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Messages - JohnS

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... 54
Catchung last few moments of broadcast with a bit of AC/DC.
Solid S9 signal tonight.
Abrupt sign off @ 0049.

Strong signal at 0054 with rap song  I do not immediately recognize.
Some rap music then spy number ISh from Lincolnshire Poacher, the Backwards Music  station, and two more I could not ID.

Fair signal at 0006. 
Playing some blues music with fair signal but has good audio.
Can hear someone talking underneath.
Still good signal @ 0051 with lots of ZZ Topp music and several SSTV images.

Tuned in at 2357 with strong signal into eastern Nebraska at the moment.
Man ralking into music.
Hearing at 2359 " What is the frequency Kenny?"
Don't mess with the Zeekee so Zeeky Radio.

At 2210 picking this up in AM mode.  Man with British accent with nusic underneath.
Possibly coice of Churchhill?
Confusing to me as it sounds like two stations running together,  not
sure what I am hearing.
SSTV  around 2234 but did not get clean copy.
Quick voice ID ar 2236 but did not copy.

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6925 USB 0118 UTC 31 JAN 2022
« on: January 31, 2022, 0133 UTC »
6925 UsB at 0118 31 Jan.
Weak signal.
Music by We Five and The Kinks.
Possible QRN from someone underneath broadcaster.
May possibly be in AM mode.
~0135 can hear man talking, possibly relaying a story.
Noise level here is hugh and copy rough so unable to ID if one may have been given.

Roxanne at 0222.  Heavy fading of signal at the moment but good audio when peaking.
Station ID at 0225 followed by Fleetwood Mac.
RAdditional music by Rolling Stones, Donnie Iris, The Beatles, Elvis Costello, and Helen Reddy(?).
By 0245 station swallowed up in noise floor.

Tuned in after Wolverine went off air.
Can faintly hear music, almost repititive in nature but heavy static makes copy difficult.

Nice signal with usual good music.  Even though heavy static at my location, Wolverine is sounding good.

Weak signal cutting through heavy static.  Very difficult copy.

Big Band era music with decent signal despite very heavy static at my location and Ute QRN.A
Abrupt loss of show at 0228 mid song.

Mystery story being aired.
Strong signal into eastern Nebraska.
WBCQ on 6160.  Have not heard them that strong in quite some time.

Fair but noisy signal @ 2248 into eastern Nebraska.
Jethro Tull?
Led Zeppelin  then off at 2302 with female ID.

Fair signal in eastern Nebraska.  Hearing some blues @ 0028.
ID @ 0041 as "Small Dog Radio"  with the Sunday night special.
Back into more blues after ID.

At 1600 hear some instrumental music.
At 1603 sound like people calling commenting how they liked the show then make into "smooth jazz"  format.
Not sure what station is being replayed.
Losing signal at 1630; barely cutting through the noise.

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HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns