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Messages - Terry

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Listened for them yesterday and today about 1130 - 1200 Z. Nothing, which surprised me since I was hearing a Tasmania ham on 40 meters today and a very low power Aus foundation station yesterday.
Cuba just started on 5025 dashing all hope of hearing them.

Lots of noise here tonight making copy difficult. Heard OM talking at 0043.

Utility / Re: Morse station KPH 8641 usb 0000 UTC 4/23/2017
« on: April 23, 2017, 0056 UTC »
Maritime Radio Historical Society has activated KPH coast station at Bolinas/Point Reyes, Ca. Information here http://radiomarine.org/
These are the "True Believers" that do "Night of Nights". Several posts here about N of N on HFU from last year.
QSX 500 4/6/8/12/16 /22 they are ready on the listed marine frequencies. HF 3 is marine HF channel 3.
They are usually on Saturdays with K6KPH also. around 14050 and 7050
Lots of really good stuff on the web page mentioned above.
Is this what you were looking for?

added at 0100: I am copying them on 6477.5 but weak in S Fl this time of night. Should improve. fldigi isn't decoding them due weak and noise but I was able to copy KPH in my head. Thanks for the tip about them being on. Will check 20 and 40 M next.

Signed off at 0123. I could sure tell the difference when they switched from the wheel to hand keying.
"We wish you fair winds and following seas"

Marconi day has kicked off. Hearing KM1CC on 7034.5. They are sending about 25 wpm so I am using some software help. Just a bit fast for me.
WA1WCC was spotted on 80 but I am not copying them. Down around 3532

calling CQ IMD KM1CC KM1CC AT 0045

EI1IMD in Ireland on 7003.5 heard at 0057
Many others spotted on dxsummit

1945 KM1CC on 40 at 7260. To weak for me to work them though. About a 33 here in S Fla.

About an S5 with some crashes from all the lightning but mostly above the noise so EZ copy.

Good S7 signal here in SE Fla. Talking a lot about beer. Not that I needed any lessons. :)
Now back to music at 0027

Bacon, BBQ, Beef, And More / Re: Smoked Pork Loin BBQ
« on: April 20, 2017, 0053 UTC »
Looks great. I did a pork loin Sunday also. Bit of a change from an Easter ham. Used the same sooper sekret rub as you.
I put a 50-50 mix of white wine and apple juice in a squirt bottle to spray it. Use it on ribs also. Hickory for the smoke.
I like well done pork done well. :)

Can't hear them on AM, switch to USB and can just tell there is music there at the noise. Signal sounds like it might be building. Now an OM talking.

Other / Re: Malicious Interference 3840 LSB 0625 UTC 16 Apr 2017
« on: April 18, 2017, 2005 UTC »
Josh, one of them was messing with the 40M DX net I check in to just yesterday. Several emails were sent to the FCC. One of the YL's that checks in there is an OO, but these maroons don't pay any attention to the OOs.

RST111, good luck with the license. I usually stay away from 75 but have discovered the 3916 nets thanks to Ted R. at WTWW. http://www.tailgatersnet.com/about.html
You might also listen to the DX window at 3790 to 3800. Usually pretty good at grayline.
The 40M DX net is at 7163 from 5 AM eastern until about 7:30. A fair amount of S Pac stations check in. Check it out.

HF Beacons / "C" Beacon 13528
« on: April 18, 2017, 1954 UTC »
Hearing what must be the Russian "C" beacon on 13528 this afternoon here in S. Fla. Just barely above the noise. Decided to listen after hearing some Italians on 20 M USB a few minutes ago.
Wasn't able to look at it with Spectran since I am monitoring the NOAA 19 satellite pass right now.

Up to an S9 now 0048. Couldn't hear at all 30 min ago. Listening in AM with high cut at 3000. Seems to be best there.
ID at 0049.
Off at 0054

Just above the noise here. ID Renegade Radio at 0105

Don't recognize the music but not a bad signal here.
SIO 333

Not real strong here in SE Fla.
SIO 222 Some QSB

SIO 333
Signal seems to be building.

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