Maritime Radio Historical Society has activated KPH coast station at Bolinas/Point Reyes, Ca. Information here These are the "True Believers" that do "Night of Nights". Several posts here about N of N on HFU from last year.
QSX 500 4/6/8/12/16 /22 they are ready on the listed marine frequencies. HF 3 is marine HF channel 3.
They are usually on Saturdays with K6KPH also. around 14050 and 7050
Lots of really good stuff on the web page mentioned above.
Is this what you were looking for?
added at 0100: I am copying them on 6477.5 but weak in S Fl this time of night. Should improve. fldigi isn't decoding them due weak and noise but I was able to copy KPH in my head. Thanks for the tip about them being on. Will check 20 and 40 M next.
Signed off at 0123. I could sure tell the difference when they switched from the wheel to hand keying.
"We wish you fair winds and following seas"