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Topics - R4002

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Previously logged along with 6610 USB and English/Spanish mixed language on 6612 USB.  45 metros - commonly used by freebanders and pirates or bootleggers, 6.6 MHz.  "One five four, mon" (in English) - Caribbean accents.

2202 UTC - speaking English again (it was Spanish when I tuned in just shy of 2200 UTC).  Mention of "Honduras" at 2203 UTC.  - then switched to Spanish and a third station (a YL) came on frequency - asked her "Venezuela or Honduras?" - OM speaking Spanish at 2204 UTC, rolled his r's perfectly, likely a native speaker.  Keeps asking the YL station to repeat herself.  "We love you buh-bye! buh-buh-buh-bye!" (in English) at 2204 UTC

Later, a similar QSO was heard on 6780 kHz USB.  I do not think it was the same operator(s) heard on 6612 kHz, but they appeared to be coming from the same region.

Peskies / 6979 kHz USB vs. 6977 kHz USB 2155 UTC 14 Jan 2019
« on: January 14, 2019, 2158 UTC »
Via Westminster, MD SDR

6979 kHz USB - good signals, Spanish speaking freebanders - heavy use of GAMBIO
6977 kHz USB - weaker signals, but also in Spanish (a heavily used freebander frequency, logged lots in the past)

The group on 6979 USB has an interesting accent.  "Donde con mi mama, cambio?" ("where with my mom, over?" is the literal translation) at 2157 UTC.  "but of course, over" also at 2157 UTC.  Hearing another conversation in the background (also on 6979 kHz USB).  There might be three QSOs going on at once on one frequency at this point...

via Westminster, MD SDR.

6920 kHz USB - 6.920 MHz USB - two OMs talking with Mexican-sounding accents.
6925 kHz LSB - 6.925 MHz LSB - the usual pescadore crowd speaking Portuguese (likely Brazilian fishing fleets) - the 6925 LSB crowd are heard nearly every day while 6920 USB is often clear

6920 USB - "550" "vato" and several other slang terms heard, further supporting the theory that 6920 USB is Mexican in origin.  Still going strong at 2154 UTC.  Mention of "del norte" at 2154 UTC. 

Peskies / 6789 USB vs. 6790 USB vs. 6790 LSB 2150 UTC 14 Jan 2019
« on: January 14, 2019, 2150 UTC »
6790 kHz has been logged several times in the past, I think I'm hearing a rural radiotelephone service fixed link mix with freebanders.  6790 LSB and USB are both active and 6789 USB is active with an OM ragchewing in the typical freebander way.  6790 USB has a YL and a OM talking about domestic matters.  No IDs or anything heard (no names even).  Lots of QRM though.

UNID Spanish speaking radio nets on 6740 kHz / 6.740 MHz and 6755 kHz 6.755 MHz presumed South American rural radio linked fixed mobile radio service 45 metros 43 metros 6.6 MHz 6.7 MHz

Last logged at 2135 UTC on November 2nd, 2018 with both 6740 USB and 6755 USB active at the same time.  Heard mention of "Peru" at 2145 UTC on 6740 USB.  Hearing OM with SIO 222 or so signal quality on 6740 USB.  6755 USB is even worse, but its there.  Wanted to make a note that both of these frequencies were logged active at the same time previously, possibility indicating that they're coming from the same general area (also note the time of the previous logging).

Received via COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR on the CT/MA border.

Peskies / 6810 kHz USB "BUENO BUENO BUENO" 2141 UTC 14 Jan 2019
« on: January 14, 2019, 2144 UTC »
6810 kHz USB 6.810 MHz USB - very rapid talking, one station is SIO 555 pushing 10db over S9, the other is consistent with most other pescadores and freebanders.  "son bueno, gambio!" etc etc - signal reports?  that, or something else is very good.  OM laughing hysterically at 2142 UTC. 

"Correct, correct" and lots of other replies in the affirmative heard.  Several other QSOs above and below 6800 kHz or so showing up on the waterfall right now (2143 UTC).  These guys are likely just freebanders but one of them has a killer signal.  SS OMs Spanish speaking signals via COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR on the CT/MA border.

Old Time Radio pirate OTR 6.770 MHz 6770 kHz AM, heard nearly daily around this time on the COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR located on the CT/MA border.  Strong carrier noted on the waterfall with some static crashes.  S8-S9 carrier.

YL - "I heard about it on the radio, look at this John"
YL - "the cruelest sport known to mankind" talking about throwing people to the lions.  OM and YL having a conversation - "you've got tears in your eyes" at 2138 UTC.  Pretty good copy with some ute QRM.  Bit of music at 2139 UTC. 

"no it isn't supposed to be funny" "I didn't forget it" (2139 UTC) OM and YL talking, with laugh track in background "we've been married eight years, don't you wanna do something?" (2140 UTC)

6666.6 kHz 6666.6 USB 6.666.6 MHz radio amateurs 45 metros.  Hearing several OMs talking over each other, complete with the whistling into the mic thing.  Heard a signal report and general pleasantries (similar to traffic heard on 6900 kHz and other frequencies on 45 meters/43 meters).  OMs calling and replying to calls on frequency.  6666.6 USB is similar to 6900 LSB, although 6666.6 USB seems to be more active when the band is open to South America and Central America.  Spanish language traffic heard via COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR on the CT/MA border at 2135 UTC + ongoing. 

Hearing Spanish speakers - freebanders, the usual group, also noted on 6910 kHz LSB and 6915 kHz LSB while 6900 USB appears to be busier than 6900 LSB, chatting away on various frequencies in 45 metros and 43 metros.  Gambio!

Peskies / 6999 USB YL and OM QSO in Spanish 2128 UTC 14 Jan 2019
« on: January 14, 2019, 2129 UTC »
Hearing a YL chatting away on 6999 kHz USB - followed by somebody spinning the VFO (they've been going back and forth from roughly 6950 kHz up through 40 meters and then down below 7 MHz / 7000 kHz again), possibly intentionally causing QRM to the various peskies and freebanders on the radio today?

Can only hear the YL side of the QSO now at 2129 UTC via the Westminster, MD KiwiSDR

Peskies / 6969.5 kHz USB Spanish Language 2240 UTC 12 Jan 2019
« on: January 12, 2019, 2241 UTC »
Strong signals this evening in Spanish, sounds like amateur radio operators (freebanders) the usual ragchew type stuff. 

OTR Old Time Radio pirate station carrier on 6770 kHz at 2018 UTC tune in time.  Using the COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR I have bits and pieces of audio in AM mode and a clearly defined carrier on the waterfall.  S6-S7 signal strength

"476 we read you signal strength 3, go ahead, over" "we have your cooperation" "we are requesting assistance" heavy Caribbean accent.  "We will check VHF from here"  "okay, 476 we copy your transmission" "we just wants to make sure that we are reading your guys"

Station then asked unheard second station to call telephone number 304-2040 and give another signal report.  ID as "476" several times

Receiver is the COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR on the CT/MA border.  Frequency/QRG 8924 kHz USB 8.924 MHz USB voice English language EE speakers heavy accents sounded Jamaican or Caribbean origin 

Peskies / Portuguese on 6925 LSB and 6919 LSB 2200 + UTC 11 Jan 2019
« on: January 11, 2019, 2219 UTC »
6919 kHz LSB and 6925 kHz LSB both active with Portuguese language traffic, some fading.  Likely fishing fleets or pescadores.  The Usual Suspects at this point.  Most of the other traffic on the band tonight in Spanish except for these two frequencies.

6.919 MHz LSB 6.925 MHz LSB

45 metros! puta madre!  Lots of salty language, stations talking over each other and general QRM on 6666.6 kHz USB and 6670 kHz USB, both active at once (along with several other frequencies in the 6.6 MHz range.....yes, 6-7 MHz in general is littered with Latin American voices right now.

Mention of "el barco" at 2215 UTC on 6666.6 USB.  Possibly actually a pescadore in the literal sense.  6670 USB is going non-stop as well.  These guys are all over the 6525-6685 kHz (6525-6765 kHz) aeronautical band.

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