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Messages - Pigmeat

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When it drops to 10-15 cents a share, we corner the market on their stock and wait for the dead cat bounce, Al.

We'll use the profits to set up the harpoon batteries in Cali.

The Alabama hurricane net hangs out 6913 - 6917 khz. LSB range. They use Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) antennas to be able communicate both regionally and in-state. You should be able hear them easily with the Tecsun.

There are a number of storm nets that run in the Southeast on shortwave. If you know a local ham, I'm sure he/she could put you on to the regional frequencies as hams are the guys who run them.

The same is true of the VHF/UHF weather/emergency nets, ran by local hams, but sadly unavailable on shortwave rigs.

Equipment / Re: I finally put up a Beverage antenna
« on: September 11, 2014, 2024 UTC »
I've used beverages on the ground (BOG) for years at the farm. They work well and don't seem to pick up as much noise from the electric fences the local cattle farms use.

As for the poison ivy, when you're done hacking through it, dump your clothes in the washer, then immediately take a shower using dish washing liquid, which is a detergent. It will lift the urushiol, (the oil that causes the rash) off of your skin and send it down the drain where it belongs. Soap and water won't cut it with urushiol, they just spread it around your body.

BTW, never burn poison ivy and it's relatives. If the wind shifts and you inhale the smoke, you get to go to the hospital. If you're hypersensitive to the stuff and you inhale it, you could be dead before the ambulance gets there.

General Radio Discussion / Re: 2014-09-11 05:01 UTC A Pair of CMEs
« on: September 11, 2014, 1947 UTC »
I told Fansome not to point HAARP at the sun, but would he listen? Noooo!

He's trying to claim he rolled over on "the remote control thingy" that controls HAARP in his sleep.

I have no idea why the government agreed to sell it to him. He needs to stick to combing the beaches for the Islamo-Penguin invasion he and Michael Savage are always hollering about.

A moderately priced handheld scanner would do nicely for those kind of transmissions.

Scanners aren't my thing, but I'm sure a number of the folks here will have suggestions on ones you might want to look at.

General Radio Discussion / Re: THE SKY IS FALLING
« on: September 11, 2014, 0254 UTC »
You won't get Al to bite on that one. He's out patrolling the beaches for the Islamo-Penguins he expects to invade on 9/11.

I think he and some character called Murphy are taking turns pushing each other in a wheelbarrow up and down the Outer Banks?

Huh? / Re: You Were On My Mind
« on: September 10, 2014, 0514 UTC »
Ah crap, Skip, don't encourage him. You'll set off his Venus of Willendorf obsession again.

That jaywalking charge will never stick. We're talking about the Kingfish of The Mystic Knights of The Sea, not some member of Congress.

True, true.....

Equipment / Re: Shortwave radio / What to buy, What I am looking for
« on: September 09, 2014, 0043 UTC »
IMO, the Sony 7600 would be your best buy. It's got everything you want and has been highly regarded for 20 years.

If you poke around the interwebz,you can find them new at around 150 bucks, American.

Even Al Fansome has one.

I heard them about an hour ago running old commercials and music. If it wasn't for lightning strikes to my west, this would have been the best I've ever heard them.

I decided to save my hearing for quieter times.

more like a security ward

It seems someone may be jealous of our status as Pirate Radio Gods, Al.

Some guys wear lingerie, others wear bunny suits. Pirate radio is a strange place.

Luckily, you and I have restored the fun to the world that is pirate radio, Al. We'll be shoe-ins for the North American Pirate Radio Hall of Fame.

Equipment / Re: I finally put up a Beverage antenna
« on: September 08, 2014, 1632 UTC »
I used that water trick when driving metal fence posts as a teen. If it works in our sticky red dog clay, it will work anywhere. (Except on solid rock or Al Fansome's unusually round head.)

A lot of the terminated beverages you read about in antenna manuals and ham mags are for transmitting. The resistor wattages recommended can be pure overkill for listening.

Our man in Finland has some solid advice, listen to him.

Huh? / Re: Al, what do you know about whales?
« on: September 08, 2014, 1602 UTC »
Are you callin' me Canadian, Fansome? You've crossed the Niagara with that one.

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