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Topics - Pigmeat

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"Left Wing, Right Wing, The Same Nut." LOL. They both believe in variations of the same things, with a wildly different take on them, don't they? Ted Kennedy was thought to be a Commie by some folks when I was a young man, while others thought he was a Fascist. I thought he was a well to do drunk? 

They start to pick up here around 22:00 UTC, Ray, and are best from 0:00 to 3:00 UTC. They're never overwhelming. I check a SDR in Sardinia and another in the Canary Islands to confirm it's them. Both usually have good signals from Indy. The one in Sardinia is the only Kiwi on the island and the one on Fuerteventura in the Canaries is the only Kiwi on that island.

The one in Sardinia has been on and off for the past couple of weeks. I don't know if they're having technical problems or the guy didn't pay his power bill?

Huh? / Today, January 20th is "Penguin Awareness Day"
« on: January 21, 2023, 0038 UTC »
They'll be migrating back north in a couple of months. Beware of low fliers and stay away from bodies of water, they can propel themselves at hypersonic speeds onto land. Be careful and beware.

This has been a public service announcement from FANCO Industries, Refiners of Whale Oil for Lighting and Lubrication for over Two Hundred and Fifty years. Look for the Penguin on the containers. 

Group W Bench / Re: UNID (RU ANTHEM) 10420 USB 1247 UTC 16 JAN 2023
« on: January 16, 2023, 1454 UTC »
Ray! Not an SDR from a real radio man like you.

Group W Bench / Re: Unid Tones 6955 usb 2025 utc 14 Jan 2023
« on: January 15, 2023, 1637 UTC »
If these op's would play more Go-Go's these tones would go away. Trust me.

Group W Bench / Re: UNID 6935 USB 0335 UTC 14 JAN 2023
« on: January 15, 2023, 1608 UTC »
Hula hoops for donkey's? Must be another Trump scam.

Group W Bench / Re: UNID 6945 USB 2339 UTC 14 JAN 2023
« on: January 15, 2023, 0144 UTC »
"Born To Be Wild" Steppenwolf way down in the noise. Audio bandwidth is a little narrow.

Steve Miller with his 1973 hit "Take The Money And Run" segue into Talking Heads homage to David Berkowitz, "Psycho Killer". The Cars,"Just What I Needed" Ric Ocasek was almost fool enough to come off the stage and duke it out out with my cousin on their first national tour after Ronnie kept calling him, "Plastic Man", due to the way Ric was dressed. Ronnie was a mean ex-soldier just released from Ft. Leavenworth. Ronnie would've hurt him bad.

Derrick And The Dominos featuring the great Duane Allman on slide guitar with "Layla". I dunno who the other guitar player was, some English guy.

The signals really gone south,WWWW, and I'm not talking about Duane Allman. The static is wiping you out. I think I'll try a SDR out west.

Wait a second, I know that drum pattern down in the noise, that's "Susie Q" but by who?

Group W Bench / Re: UNID 4123 USB 0102 UTC 15 DEC 2023
« on: January 15, 2023, 0131 UTC »
An English looney, UFO's, and Eisenhower? What is Winston Churchill on a bender in 1959?

Group W Bench / Re: Radio Digital 1665 AM 1112 UTC 14 Jan 2023
« on: January 14, 2023, 1520 UTC »
"Take Me Back To Tulsa" a big hit for Bob Wills And His Texas Playboy's, the Kings of Western Swing. "Ahh, pick it Jody!"

Bob was quite the entertainer and he hired top talent. 

Group W Bench / Re: WFDR Relay 6925 AM 1318 UTC 14 Jan 2023
« on: January 14, 2023, 1459 UTC »
I'm lucky I missed it! My Grandpa would have risen from his grave and thrown me in it for listening to FDR. 

Group W Bench / Re: BallSmacker Radio 4030 AM 0154 UTC 14 JAN 2023
« on: January 14, 2023, 1257 UTC »
Belinda's "Heaven Is A Place On Earth" should calm You Know Who down and put an end to the tone and number stations at least until Pi Day, the great holiday of his follower's and the beginning of the northward penguin migrations.

Unusual as it's best on the 120 ft. T2FD Kiwi in Westminster, MD and not on the 250 ft. V-Beam Kiwi at the same location as normal. It was much stronger a couple of hours ago when I checked in briefly on the 120 ft, T2FD Kiwi and playing hard rock. Now the audio is barely above the noise, but they're playing music with a much softer sound. SIO 222 and best on SAMU.

Group W Bench / Re: WANK 4030 USB 0126 UTC 14 January 2023
« on: January 14, 2023, 0215 UTC »
I think that "I Did It My Way" cover was Sid Viscous? He recorded it just before he OD'd in 1979. There's a video for it somewhere. It all happened after they found his girlfriend dead under suspicious circumstances in the Chelsea Hotel in NYC. Before there was Kurt and Courtney there was Sid and Nancy.

Ironically, Courtney Love appeared in the movie "Sid And Nancy" as one of Nancy's junkie friends in one of her first acting roles. I guess Courtney was type cast? 

Group W Bench / Re: Re: UNID 6925 USB 2330 UTC 13 Jan 23
« on: January 14, 2023, 0127 UTC »
Been chasing those tones on 6925; 6930 and 6935. They are different digital modes.

That's the late "you know who" saying "Howdy!" from the Great Beyond. He's trying to get next to Lisa Marie before Jeff Beck does.


Group W Bench / Re: Unid Tones 6955 usb 1832 utc 12 Jan 2023
« on: January 12, 2023, 2354 UTC »
We hear and we obey, you know who.

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