Huh? / Al, when it rains, it pours!
« on: April 05, 2019, 0810 UTC »
I had to wait for the one twin, Mackenzie's, divorce to come through. (She was married to a pop-eyed, bald-headed geek.) She cleaned up. The father of the other twin cousin gave me a bunch of gold tablets, they must weigh a ton. The Church wants me to decipher them, but the only thing I can make out is something about "I will not scratch up Joe Smith's tablets" front and back with the initials "A.F.". I'm going to sell them on the Omani market to be smuggled into India where the price is through the roof. Why heck, I might have enough pocket change to fix Kellyanne Conway's face after this deal, that poor thing.
Al, this marriage thing ain't half bad. You don't know any real girls who might take you up on it, do you?
Al, this marriage thing ain't half bad. You don't know any real girls who might take you up on it, do you?