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Topics - Skipmuck

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2140 UTC 2 OM talking about a 4th of July parade (35343...mostly solid above the noise)
2144 UTC Talking about "Wally"...mention of 44th street, then some C&W music and 2 OM continue speaking
2147 UTC Unid C&W song with YL vocalists...lyrics "Turn the radio up, turn the radio down"
2149 UTC OM mentioned a station name...W???, then mentions of Boston...sounds like a relay of a commercial station
2150 UTC "Hot Rod Lincoln" parody about driving in Boston (Signal hitting S7 peaks, but the noise level is high)
2152 UTC OM mentioned "Montpelier"
2153 UTC Mention of Radio Vermont and RVG?
2155 UTC Unid C&W song-OM singer
2158 UTC Unid C&W parody song-OM singer
2202 UTC Waterfall image sound

2215 UTC Zekey on the microphone...in the Green Mountains...mention of Goat Herder Radio
2220 UTC Zekey says he's signing off
2221 UTC Back to the relay...OM with weather report
2225 UTC OFF for a bit, then some intermittent audio, then off again

Now that was different...thanks for the show!

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6969.5 AM 0125 UTC 5 SEP 2024
« on: September 05, 2024, 0126 UTC »
0125 UTC I'm hearing some ambient instrumental music***...vibraphone or electronic? Signal solid above the noise (33222)
0127 UTC Strong ute on for about 30 seconds
0129 UTC Possibly another unid song for a bit, then possible OM talking? Carrier is quite good here
0130 UTC Not hearing any audio now...very high noise level
0133 UTC unid music now...drumbeats heard mostly, but there is a song in there
(Is this the station that relayed Liquid Radio last night? Frequency seems to be the same...just a hair above 6969.5)
0137 UTC OM said something, but tough copy in the noise
0139 UTC Music now, with some ute blasts (instrumental song with a funky drum beat)
0147 UTC Carrier only for the last few minutes...maybe an OM talking?
0149 UTC Definitely an OM talking now...too low in the carrier to copy
0150 UTC Music now...ambient instrumental
0203 UTC Unid ambient music...sounds like some flutes in there
0237 UTC OFF...carrier gone

Thanks for the broadcast whoever!

Here's my recording from 0125-0155 UTC:

***When I was uploading to my Google Drive, I shazam'd the music at 0125 and the result was "Easy Serv"-Orbital

If there was an ID in the broadcast, I couldn't hear it...any takers?  :)

Carrier noted at 0110 UTC, with some threshold audio at 0115 and 0118 UTC. Too deep in the noise for details.
0130 UTC Another threshold fade-up...I'm not hearing the usual BPM beats
0210 UTC Tuned back in and am hearing intermittent BPM beats now  :)
0219 UTC A very nice fade-up with clear audio until 0221 UTC...no clue as to the title of the song..I'd estimate it to be 120 beats per minute

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6933 USB 0045 UTC 4 SEP 2024
« on: September 04, 2024, 0046 UTC »
0045 UTC Tuned in to "Help"-Beatles in progress (44333)
0048 UTC Unid ambient music, then pause (or OFF?
0049 UTC YL speaking, then "Rock N Roll Music"-Beatles (alternate take?)
0052 UTC "Baby's In Black"-Beatles (A loud roaring QRN sound), then pause (or OFF) at 0054 UTC

QSLs Received / WFRT Radio eQSL 25 AUG 2024
« on: September 03, 2024, 1533 UTC »
Thank you very much WFRT Radio! It is appreciated!

0121 UTC Rising and falling harmonic tones...55555!
0125 UTC OFF
0130 UTC YL with phonetics "Tango Hotel Foxtrot" repeated many times
0138 UTC OFF

0001 UTC "I'm Gonna Make You Love Me"-Diana Ross & Supremes (S9 with light noise)
0003 UTC "Million Dollar Weekend" ID, followed by "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head"-B J Thomas
0006 UTC Yeah Man on the microphone...thanks for the shoutout YM!
0007 UTC "Hair"-Cowsills
0011 UTC "Put A Little Love In Your Heart"-Jackie Deshannon
0014 UTC Yeah Man playing songs from 1969. Thanks for the shoutout again!
0015 UTC "Smile a Little Smile For Me"-The Flying Machine
0018 UTC "These Eyes"-Guess Who
0039 UTC "Good Morning Starshine"-Oliver
0059 UTC "The Worst That Could Happen"-Johnny Maestro
0113 UTC OFF

Thank you for the great tunes from 1969!

2117 UTC Hearing orchestral/martial music right at the noise floor
2123 UTC Classical music that sounds like "Blue Danube Waltz"
2127 UTC Possible ID by OM...? Radio...(Noise level is high!)
2128 UTC Unid song-OM vocals
2134 UTC Different song now-OM vocals...signal up a little bit now at S4...sounds like Frank Zappa
2139 UTC Definitely a Frank Zappa tune...the gruff voiced OM between songs sounds like the FZ banter between songs on Joe's Garage
2157 UTC "Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up"-FZ
2204 UTC "A Token of My Extreme"-FZ
2216 UTC "Sy Borg"-FZ
2223 UTC "You're tuned to Thunder Chicken Radio"

0045 UTC Unid rock tune (S7 peaks amidst lots of noise this evening...QRM from Indy Radio on 6931 AM)
0047 UTC OM talking during the music...too much static crackling to copy
0052 UTC OM with ID and chat..."Sycko Radio"  :)
0053 UTC "Raise the Flag"-? (Signal jumped up to S8...much better!)
0057 UTC Unid song about shortwave?-OM singer
0105 UTC Unid rockabilly tune about shortwave radio-OM singer
0113 UTC OM with Sycko Radio ID, followed by another OM talking, spacey sounds, then a Metal dance tune
0145 UTC Mr Sycko with ID and frequency, then back to the electronica
0148 UTC Shoutouts to the posters...thanks!
0154 UTC Shoutout to Two Dog...
0212 UTC Mr Sycko said it's that time..."good night everybody"

Thank you for the Saturday evening entertainment!

2357 UTC "Testing 1,2,3 can anybody hear me"
0000 UTC "Wolverine Radio" ID by OM, followed by unid 1920's sounding music (S9+10!)
0015 UTC "Thinking and Drinking"-Amos Milburn
0019 UTC "Think"-Detroit Wheels?
0021 UTC "Think It Over"-Buddy Holly
0028 UTC "I Think We're Alone Now"-Tommy James & Shondells
0030 UTC "Sit Down I Think I Love You"-Buffalo Springfield  8)

0107 UTC Tuned in to an S9+ Scottie DX mode SSTV in progress. Partial decode

0112 UTC ScottieDX SSTV repeated

Thanks for the tones! It's been a long time!  8)

Thank you for the excellent program and eQSL VOTIROIS and a tip of the hat to Cloudsplitter for the relay! I really look forward to hearing more programs!

0129 UTC ID followed by a blues tune (S8 peaks with moderate fading and noise...sounds great!)
0132 UTC ID and email address, followed by more uptempo blues-OM singer
0151 UTC YL with ID and email, followed by more great blues music!
0203 UTC OFF

Thank you for the blues tunes on this hot and humid summer night Cap'n!

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