North American Shortwave Pirate / Goat Herder Radio 6929 USB 2140 UTC 7 SEP 2024
« on: September 07, 2024, 2142 UTC »
2140 UTC 2 OM talking about a 4th of July parade (35343...mostly solid above the noise)
2144 UTC Talking about "Wally"...mention of 44th street, then some C&W music and 2 OM continue speaking
2147 UTC Unid C&W song with YL vocalists...lyrics "Turn the radio up, turn the radio down"
2149 UTC OM mentioned a station name...W???, then mentions of Boston...sounds like a relay of a commercial station
2150 UTC "Hot Rod Lincoln" parody about driving in Boston (Signal hitting S7 peaks, but the noise level is high)
2152 UTC OM mentioned "Montpelier"
2153 UTC Mention of Radio Vermont and RVG?
2155 UTC Unid C&W song-OM singer
2158 UTC Unid C&W parody song-OM singer
2202 UTC Waterfall image sound

2215 UTC Zekey on the microphone...in the Green Mountains...mention of Goat Herder Radio
2220 UTC Zekey says he's signing off
2221 UTC Back to the relay...OM with weather report
2225 UTC OFF for a bit, then some intermittent audio, then off again
Now that was different...thanks for the show!
2144 UTC Talking about "Wally"...mention of 44th street, then some C&W music and 2 OM continue speaking
2147 UTC Unid C&W song with YL vocalists...lyrics "Turn the radio up, turn the radio down"
2149 UTC OM mentioned a station name...W???, then mentions of Boston...sounds like a relay of a commercial station
2150 UTC "Hot Rod Lincoln" parody about driving in Boston (Signal hitting S7 peaks, but the noise level is high)
2152 UTC OM mentioned "Montpelier"
2153 UTC Mention of Radio Vermont and RVG?
2155 UTC Unid C&W song-OM singer
2158 UTC Unid C&W parody song-OM singer
2202 UTC Waterfall image sound

2215 UTC Zekey on the microphone...in the Green Mountains...mention of Goat Herder Radio
2220 UTC Zekey says he's signing off
2221 UTC Back to the relay...OM with weather report
2225 UTC OFF for a bit, then some intermittent audio, then off again
Now that was different...thanks for the show!