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Messages - ThaDood

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Even since early February, that W.O.G. antenna has come in very handy, and is being well tested, due to constant Southern T-storms. So, this last blast of Winter-like weather for May 2023 maybe one last time to enjoy the low bands with less noise. https://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-forecasts/may-off-to-chilly-start-in-east-thanks-to-omega-block-weather-pattern/1520488


Too little, too late to go whaaaaaaaaaaaaa???

Then, there's the "AM Owners: The Next Move Is Yours!"  https://www.radioworld.com/columns-and-views/guest-commentaries/am-owners-the-next-move-is-yours

(Thanks Boomer!!!!) Well, AM Part 15'ers could kick some butt here.

Huh? / Encourage Congress to support local radio! Or, is it?
« on: April 26, 2023, 1722 UTC »
https://p2a.co/fkk7zz3     So, what does anyone think about this? Too little INFO, and just too generic of a site, if you ask me.

Huh? / How Radio Jay Allen tests radios?
« on: April 24, 2023, 1755 UTC »
https://radiojayallen.com/how-i-test-radios/       In know... He does it more of the 'layman's-terms' way of doing it, where we want actual spec's, like Usable Sensitivity, (In uV.), Image Rejection, Adjacent Channel Rejection, AGC thresholds for AM, IF bandwidths, Audio FREQ responses, Audio Amp Power, etc. Then again, I guess you need what Radio Jay does, since the preceding spec's that I've mentioned, if you were to ask the average, non-tech, person out there for these, they would look at you like you've had 3 heads. (And, I think that most of us can relate to that. Right???)   

Our local LPFM where I am, WTSQ-LP 88.1FM, has done Vinyl-thon / Record Store Day, for the last few years. This year, they planned to spin-it all vinyl for a 52hr, all live DJ's, on-air marathon. I've linked-in to that before, via our crappy DSL internet streaming link. Sounds good, due to their high bitstream, but then comes the problems of maintaining that with DSL, many drop-outs and robbing bandwidth for others here, wanting to do work and stream VID's. Now, last year, that station had to move to another BLDG, and that, including their single FM omni-bay, to the top of a bank BLDG. The results??? They were only +29ft higher in AGL elevation, but were now transmitting from the Mid-Kanawha River Valley. They now seem to be getting out better on the 88.1FM-side, and the increase is a +3dB to +6dB improvement. NICE, but still a shadow zone where I have my Part 15 AM stations, or was it? At ground level, here, college station WMUL Marshall UNI still dominates over WTSQ-LP's 88.1FM signal. However, I did another 'what if?' test and walked around the upstairs attic with an Eton E10 portable. To my surprise, I found a full FM quieting sweet-spot. I did not have that from WTSQ-LP years ago on FM. So, I then mounted an old FM GND-Plane to a rafter and ran coax to the studio. That was 4 days ago, and have had perfect, full quieting, mono, audio RX'ed with that E10 radio every time I've checked in various times of the day. Even with the radio's -20dB ATT on, I was still getting WTSQ-LP at maybe 70% quieting. By the time Friday afternoon came around, I had a working 1/2-ass FM link point set-up. So, Friday 4/21/2023 at 4PM, here, I linked-in that audio to my Part 15 AM stations and told the crew at WTSQ-LP that I was linking-in the full duration of their Vinyl-thon, all 52hrs of it. You can check this out yourself, and here WTSQ-LP spin-it, with LIVE DJ's in 2hr shifts, even overnight at  https://wtsq.org/   Yeah... Probably, should have posted this earlier, but... BTW, the WTSQ-LP crew dig that I'm getting them filled-in over here. That vinyl over AM wide-band radio just sounds so nostalgic, and no MP3 digital artifacts. Thus far, this is about the only thing that's gone right around here. OK... You might ask what the point of all that was about? A neat idea what could be done with Part 15 AM radio, an ass-backward, FM to AM-like, translator, where that FM station has poor coverage.

The RF Workbench / Using LM7805 regulators for AF / RF amps?
« on: April 20, 2023, 1728 UTC »
I've thought about using the LM**** series of voltage regulators as AM modulators, but never thought that they could be useful at RF FREQ's. FWR by Boomer:


Beyond Glenn Hauser? Well, I know where you can listen to a bunch on-air weekly. Ever listen to the 160M, 1860kHz AM, Gateway WA0RCR station every Saturday night? It's a little rough to listen too, with warm season upon us and lightning crashes in there, but most of those shows have websites to check out, when they announce them.  https://wa0rcr.mbohnhoffinc.com/   Hope that helps.

Well, this is a cool article that Boomer FWR to me! And, using an O'scope to test an LPB-30 transmitter. https://www.radioworld.com/columns-and-views/workbench/trust-but-verify-with-your-oscilloscope

General Radio Discussion / Re: Podcasts about pirate radio?
« on: April 11, 2023, 1854 UTC »
Ragnar Danistold's, Piratesweek, (Yeah, I know... I butchered that last name spelling.), podcasts was indeed a great one. Question is, was that even archived anywhere so that someone could download and enjoy today. Today though, you have Andrew Yoder's, Hobby Broadcasting Radio podcasts. Show #5 should be coming up around Tax Time. Oh!!!! Another one is Hobart Radio International, but what I get from that feed link is a document tree.   https://feeds.feedburner.com/archive/pOGc    That makes me wonder if HRI is still running today.

Last year, after JTA swearing to me to try this, I've decides to make another W.O.G., (Windom On GND.). The feed point is a W2DU 4:1 Current Balun, one W.O.G. 60ft leg runs down hill, into the valley floor, and away from the power lines, and the other 123ft leg is hugging the hill point, then head down hill. I also have a GND tap on the Balun at the outer SO-239. Then, about a 50ft run on leftover RG-8X, (Mini-8.), coax to the Beverage ANT Input of my rig. And??? Have you ever DX'ed and QSO'ed on the VHF / UHF bands, like 144.200MHz, 222.100MHz, or 432.100MHz, in CW / SSB? That's what I get now for a noise floor on MW, 160M, 75M / 80M, 60M, and 40M. I do hear lightning crashes, still, but at a few S-units, and not crashing at S+20/9. A station at S1 sounds like it could be at S9 strength. Reception is more, or less, regional. I do still hear the Euro-big-guns, like those EA1 / EA2 stations, but I can listen to low bands during the warm season, again. YEA!!!! Still, experimenting. Can I TX on this? Well, the match spectrum-wide is anywhere from 1.7:1 to a flat 1.1:1! (Interesting...) Question is, does this W.O.G. radiate, or is it an over bloated dummyload? Oh yeah... The wire is trashed CATV RG-11 coax, where I use the AL shield, coated with that PVC jacket. A bit of a pain to work with, but should last outside for years. Should...

Huh? / Radio stations on ATSC 3.0 TV? Why not?
« on: April 09, 2023, 1753 UTC »
While Boomer was at it, he FWR me this as well: https://www.radioworld.com/news-and-business/show-news/nab-show/one-media-moves-forward-with-radio-over-atsc-3
Wouldn't work well mobile, or portably, but this idea is kind of what CATV had done for a couple of decades now.

Equipment / Vintronics from the UK.
« on: April 09, 2023, 1743 UTC »
Boomer found these. Anyone ever had experience with these TX's?     https://www.sjvbroadcastservices.com/      The AM units could be used for Part 15 Carrier-Current, but couldn't really use the FM's for anything permissibly here.

Amateur Radio / HAM – Official Documentary 2022? SWL'ing rip.
« on: April 02, 2023, 1804 UTC »
https://swling.com/blog/2023/04/ham-official-documentary-youtube/     Gone viral??? Well, you be the judge there. Enjoy...

Huh? / Archive . org getting sued? Here we go...
« on: April 01, 2023, 1837 UTC »
Any of us using and posting INFO on  www.archive.org  may have seen this coming sooner, or later.

"The Fight Continues

Here at the Internet Archive, we’re deeply grateful for our community—the partners, patrons, and donors who help us thrive. Your support has proven especially valuable during a lawsuit brought by four major publishers that has aimed to put a stop to our library lending.

A lower court decision released on Friday ruled in favor of the publishers. This is a blow to all libraries and the communities we serve—but the fight is far from over.

We will appeal this judgment, continuing to defend the rights of libraries to serve their patrons, and the rights of readers to access books. We will also continue our work as a library. This case does not challenge many of the services we provide with digitized books, including interlibrary loan, access for the print-disabled, and ongoing donation and preservation of books.

Libraries are a pillar of democracy. They have an age-old role in providing access to knowledge for marginalized communities and preserving knowledge for future generations. As we push forward with our vital work, we hope that you’ll continue to stand with us.

We are powered by donations from individuals like you. If you find our services useful, please consider contributing to help us in our mission to build the web we deserve. "

So, if you see anything of use and interest there, suck it in, while you can! Including my site:  https://archive.org/details/@thadood

I'm still working on a couple of fronts for another Andrew Yoder follow-up interview, to the 9/10/2001 C2C AM one with the late Art Bell. I've pretty much given-up on George Noory, but still tapping on to Richard Syrett's newer podcasts, Strange Planet,  https://tunein.com/podcasts/News--Politics-Podcasts/Richard-Syretts-Strange-Planet-p1085643/?topicId=266129453 and  https://www.strangeplanet.ca/ . He hasn't said NO to this. Other possibilities maybe Ian Punnett and Connie Willis. https://www.conniewillis.com/  Maybe, even George Knapp? Sooner, or later, someone should say, YES.

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