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Messages - Pigmeat

Pages: 1 ... 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 [396] 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 ... 446
Huh? / Re: Attention Al Fansome: Today is World Penguin Day
« on: April 28, 2014, 0952 UTC »
It's an El Nino year coming up Al. The warm water reaching the Galapagos Islands may push the Galapagos Penguins north to cooler waters, say just west of Pasadena.

The lil' fellas would fit right in on the Channel Islands. A near perfect environmental match to their Galapagos home.

General Radio Discussion / Re: 1931 Radio Hat
« on: April 21, 2014, 0151 UTC »
I forgot how dashing Fansome looked like back in the days when men still wore boaters and spats.

General Radio Discussion / Re: The Army is buying SDRs
« on: April 20, 2014, 0234 UTC »
Luckily the Army has a large surplus of knobs. The country is in safe hands.

General Radio Discussion / Re: Al Fansome, go to YouTube......
« on: April 20, 2014, 0230 UTC »
Ann Hoffer? Isn't that the skinny blonde with man hands and Adams apple that's always screaming on Fox News?

Nah, I don't date those kind of "gurls". Are you sure you don't have me mixed up with Commander Bunny? You always did get the two of us confused.

Big Joe Turner, Bull Moose Jackson, Ike Turner covering his own song "Rocket 88",(Ike never could sing, he  could have used Jackie Brenstons vocals per the original.),lots of songs about getting/eating chickens, a prime R&B/Jump Blues theme,(someone clue Fansome in), nice broad AM signal, what more could you want on a Saturday night? Nice show!

Pigmeat approves. Al is confused.

Huh? / Re: Sunglasses
« on: April 16, 2014, 1058 UTC »
It started with a guy named Corey Hart back in the early 80's. I think he was Canadian.

They don't see much sun up there between August and June.The least little bit of UV light can blind them when they emerge. Damn that midnight sun!

Does the same to Alaskans. Why do you think Sarah Palin has to wear Coke bottle glasses? That two years of college in tropical Idaho.

Cool! Good to see them back on the air.

Did Ultraman get some mic time?

Has Bunny Boy been to NYC recently?

General Radio Discussion / Re: Al Fansome, go to YouTube......
« on: April 16, 2014, 1033 UTC »
You do that, Al.

BTW, do you have these lunches with her before, during, or after the onset of REM sleep?

General Radio Discussion / Re: Al Fansome, go to YouTube......
« on: April 15, 2014, 1022 UTC »
I knew you'd like it. And in a sombrero. Must've have just came back from vacation. Sometimes you've just got to get away.

General Radio Discussion / Al Fansome, go to YouTube......
« on: April 14, 2014, 2148 UTC »
Type in, "Joe Carrasco Dinero". Watch the original video. At the 2:45 mark, you'll see something you'll find very interesting.

You can thank me later.

Huh? / Re: Unpleasant frequencies...
« on: April 14, 2014, 0432 UTC »
It's the sounds Al hears in his head. Rabbits and cats, he's obsessed with them.

Sinatra? Blech! He ain't no Howlin' Wolf.

Is next weekend when you slaughter the rabbits, Al?

General Radio Discussion / Re: Hey Don't Forget About Radiogram
« on: April 14, 2014, 0059 UTC »
Sounds like a plan to eliminate knobs with dongles to me, Al.

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