It's fun for a DXer to listen for first time but soon it becomes like "heard one, heard them all". Same as Greek or Serbian MW pirates QSOing all the time.
I think that you can argue the same thing about many of the Dutch MW pirates. I've heard the endless hours of carousel organ music enough times that I don't bother so much now.
However, this whole "classification" and "determining who is the audience" process is not without complexities.
Here is a hypothetical but yet realistic scenario for you to ponder. Suppose that same Dutch MW station has announcements in Dutch for the first 180 minutes then after that the operator announces in English, "Thanks to Olaf in Denmark for the nice report....", etc. Oh, OK.
Now I guess it's legit for this forum? Or am I confused about what report goes where again? And it took 180 minutes of transmission to change the classification. Are we going to have to move a thread that we started just because the op said one phrase in another language 2 hours later?
Is this whole classification scheme an over complication?