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Messages - Dxcan

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6945USB Noted here in central Alberta from 0044 to 0108  hrs. A great signal (s4-s5 on 40-meter long wire with pi-type antenna tuner) with the usual FSK Utility in the background. Noted selections by Kick Drums, Poop Pirates(?) and Clyde with White Rabbit, with DJ giving out this info @0051. By 0105 the signal took a drop and by 0108 was just barely above the noise floor. Many thanks for the show ....

Edward Kusalik

trying to keep warm in minus 23 C temperatures.....

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Peskie Party Radio 6925 LSB
« on: October 12, 2014, 0218 UTC »
Noted here after 0207 with Lola and La Bamba...interesting choice of music tonight...
Band conditions a bit unstable but still a nice signal here into central Alberta....

Edward Kusalik :)

Still going strong at 03:28 hrs....static up a bit but not enough to hinder reception tonight....
There was some (slight) QRM from 9610 but gone after 03:30 hrs.   

On QSL's, I have not heard of any but maybe..just maybe this operator would consider the prospect of replying to some of us......in the future......

YHWH was noted signing on at 02:59 hrs with their sort of opening mystic type song sung by a female singer, followed with this   Thank you for tuning into Radio Station, YHWH" ..followed with some comments, then the rest of that haunting opening song. Went into text about the Bible and how to measure the truth....Then a commentary about the Post measures of God's Kingdom at 03:10 hrs. Seems to be a new episode being aired tonight's broadcast?
Really nice signal tonight, with a solid s4 to s5 level on the 3750 trap cans Inverted V dipole

Edward Kusalik
in Daysland, Alberta, Canada

e-mail: radiobuff2000@yahoo.com

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: KCPR 6925 USB 0236 UTC 06 Sep 2014
« on: September 06, 2014, 1343 UTC »
6925 Khz..noted a station @03:17 hrs. Noted a CW ID @ 03:18 for K-C-P-R then another pop selection which I could identify.
03:23 SSTV Signal was heard to 03:25 hrs when the signal stopped sending ...presume a sign-off....

Nice clear signal with very little static crashes... apologizes for tuning in earlier but I was watching the "Boob tube" ( television)

Edward Kusalik

9600 AM Religious station YHWH was heard again last night ( August 29th 14) from 03:45 to 03:52 sign-off. Heard the the transcript of Yehweh Personal Guidance for people who lead a normal life. Followed with the same haunting chant-like Harpsichord selection. Noted as "thank you for listening to YHWH ... love you ....and YHWH is now signing off ...." @ 03:52 hrs.   Nice signal tonight

Edward Kusalik

North American Shortwave Pirate / YHWH 9605 Khz at 0305 +
« on: August 27, 2014, 1958 UTC »
9605Am Aug.27.14  0305-0402+  Heard YHWH, this  station with a decent signal (about s4 to s5 reading) on this night. The signal was best heard in Lower sideband to avoid a bad noise het. The program consisted of quotes from scriptures, Christian’s morals, One World Order and the Line of David, Russia, Syria, Iran and Iraq ..the forces of evil, 10 Commandants of Yahweh, etc. Through out the broadcast the Operator kept thanking for tuning in. at 0358 there was a music selection by female chorus, with chant-like tones.  This broadcast seemed to be a repeat of similar broadcast, which I heard back in July. maybe a re-broadcast?  Re-checked at 0420 and still here…… still a decent signal dispute the noise level.

Edward Kusalik
located in Daysland, Alberta, Canada

E-mail replies too: radiobuff2000@yahoo.com

6925USB 0402 to 0411*  Noted a very nice signal with old time C&W tunes, followed with SSTV Pluses ( sorry no capabilities for SSTV decoding her..maybe I should) At the end of the Pulses, gave the K-C-P-R ID by promotion for the HF underground with e-mail address.  To bad I missed most of the program hope for another broadcast ?  Thank you.....

Edward Kusalik

6935U  Aug.3.14 0358-0432 sign-off.Tuned in to heard a strange science fiction broadcast of Dr. Peters and the Black Hole of the Cosmos Event, with travels into outer space, all from his radio room! Dr. Peters was involved with destroying the The Thing. In the end the DJ finds himself awaking in the chair of his room realizing it was a dream? At 0429 nice ID as "Voyage of the Illuminati" by Alan Maxwell ...see you again..the next time`. Which was repeated again and gave the old Elkhorn, Nebraska Mail drop..with sign-off at 0432 hrs. I vaguely remember this broadcaster ( via A*C*E*)but never had the chance to hear any of his broadcasts as good as this one.
To the Free Station who took the time to relay this..Hats off..and thank you for this Broadcast. Oh great signal and the audio was up there too.....

Since allot of us never had the chance to heard from this station, if by chance the station who relayed,  has any more of these broadcasts ..let`s heard some more!!!

Edward Kusalik

If you wish, PSE QSL via

Thank you

Lot'sa static from local T-storms...hearing a program from 03:15 hrs. but sounds like two stations here....one over the other..one playing sort of melody blues and the other up old time ragga music...

Time check as "53 minutes past UTC" and then Pop selection "Who can it be now" by the Police ( one of my favorites) Signal dropped some down to s2-s3 with fading ( sunset enhancement gone now) other wise still a decent copy....

Edward Kusalik

6925 AM Mode, Radio True North with a massive signal, just booming into Daysland, with some great music, gave an ID @ 03:03 hrs asking for reports/comments to this e-mail address: Radiotruenorth@gmail.com
Another great program from this station !

Edward Kusalik

Head this station on 6930 USB from 03:24 to past 04:10 hrs. Initially this signal was quite strong, about s4 to s6, then gradually deteriorating to S1-S2 at 04:08 hrs. The program consisted of a call-in program, many of the woman, such as Julie, Alia, Cat Girl, Sally from California and even one fella calling in, who said that 14 people where listen to this broadcast. The Op did give out a phone number 1-415-349-3566 and e-mail too:  loderadio.com (@03:40 hrs.) The range of topics was about his military service, Craig's list,visiting Holland, Germany etc. Some what a interesting program but would have been nice if the OP inserted some music to break-up the conversations?

Edward Kusalik in Daysland, Alberta......


My apologizes for posting this some what...............

Oh forgot the date...July the 12th..from 04:10 to 04:42 sign-off.UTC


9600AM  Religious Station, YHWH, was finally nabbed on this frequency from 04:10 to 04:42 sign-off.  The frequency was in the clear the signal was actually quite good, with a nice s3 to s6 and then after 04:32 up to s4 to s7 level. Preacher with religious text, talking about YHWH and salvation, the Ten Commandments, with station ID's as 'thank you for listening to our station, KHWH', "This is YHWH, thank you for tuning into our broadcast" and "YKWH is now signing off the air " (@04:42 hrs.)

This program was called 'Goodbye to Christians". Just prior to the close was sort of hymn, called "Starlight" played on a plucked sitar instrumental.  

This broadcast was done quite professionally and not at all like a 'fly by night' broadcaster. Now I just wish he would gave out a contact information ( via the internet?)

- Edward Kusalik- Daysland, AB, Canada.......

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