North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Radio Free Whatever 6945 USB 0010 UTC 30 Nov 2014
« on: November 30, 2014, 0334 UTC »
6945USB Noted here in central Alberta from 0044 to 0108 hrs. A great signal (s4-s5 on 40-meter long wire with pi-type antenna tuner) with the usual FSK Utility in the background. Noted selections by Kick Drums, Poop Pirates(?) and Clyde with White Rabbit, with DJ giving out this info @0051. By 0105 the signal took a drop and by 0108 was just barely above the noise floor. Many thanks for the show ....
Edward Kusalik
trying to keep warm in minus 23 C temperatures.....
Edward Kusalik
trying to keep warm in minus 23 C temperatures.....