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Messages - Dxcan

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Found the information and a good website for additional information..........

Edward Kusalik

Again I am appealing to our fellow free radio listener's if any one knows the e-mail address for the following:
Radio lowland on 7602 kHzs, heard this past weekend.

and a Good website where myself can find the
e-mail address's / contact
 for the Free Radio Stations (pirate) in Europe.

Thank you in advance for this assistance...

Edward Kusalik

>>> subject edited by Ray (please add the time for the tip, and some details too?)

Thank you Ray for this information on their contact via e-mail...

Edward Kusalik
DX'er since 1965

By chance came across this station via a SDR site in Germany from 1320 on..with one particular song by the Doors "light my Fire) ( the long version) @ 1327,Signal was a bit noisy and about a s-5 reading..so figure it's low powered?? followed with s/off announcements but could not get a definite indication of a e-mail address ..did the announcer give one??
If so, what was announced ??

Many TNX
Edward Kusalik

Hrd via a sdr in Pittsburgh, PA...gave ID and e-mail address as 'voiceofweidal@gmail.com"
at 2228 UTC


6930AM   Radio Pirana International, from some where in South America. Nice two page up-date letter (in the past
I did correspondent with Jorge, then lost touch) and a Nice E-QSL of the country side and farm house (Transmitter location?)
This from my logging on March the 2nd, from 0229 to 0254 UTC.

Report sent to rpi@radiopirana.com
Jorge indicated that there is a possibility of a Easter Weekend BCB and to watch their website for further news (www.radiopirana.com) on
the frequency of 6945 with a power of 100 watts (rated at 130 watts AM, Class D (high efficiency), with a Inverted V Dipole for 43 meters,
tower at 24 meters.

 He and his wife communicate between Europe and South America, when available
he operates the station.
 Reply came in 38 days.

v/s Jorge R.Garcia

Hearing via the remote site at Hanna Alberta, VE6HFD site, with a ID noted @
0054 hours.....noisy but still quite readable....

Latin American Pirate / Casa FM America 5800AM 2302-2332 UTC Feb.15.19
« on: February 16, 2019, 2006 UTC »
Hrd via remote site in South America, Casa FM America from 2302 to 2332 hours with a variety on EG Pop music with announcements in Spanish by male announcer; with several clear ID's for Casa FM.

Latin American Pirate / Re: AD149 Radio 6934.8 0015 utc 01 feb 2019
« on: February 01, 2019, 0028 UTC »
6934.75  heard from 0003 sign-on with up-beat latin ballads.
Off at 0022..transmitters problems...kept cutting out..till gone
Great signal into the Paraguay SDR Site....

6930USB Happen to tune in via sdr in Milton Ontario @ 1940 hours +
with s-4 to s5 reading, noisy but still readable.....

Shortwave Broadcast / Radio OZ-Viola 5825 AM 1300 utc 19 jan 2019
« on: January 16, 2019, 1501 UTC »
Received this advance notice after sending a e-mail on when their next broadcast would be scheduled
for broadcasting from Jan Steen.

It sounds both as an adventure and very exciting to broadcast.
I think of advertising or anything else that might indicate it was us,
because maybe we are not 100% alone on the frequency.
We have a new broadcast in the weekend 19 - 20/01 19, o'clock 13 UTC.

You can read more about us here: http://ozviola.dk/

So that's this weekend January the 19th and 20th at 1300 UTC.
The frequency is 5825 kHz. Power is suppose to be 150 watts AM
(600 watts PEP).

Edward Kusalik

0233 + UTC ...Into southern Alberta at a decent signal. Location of the SDR at Hanna Alberta, at VE6HFD location. (about 158 km's due south of my location)
Nice to hear a this making out here at s4 to s5, DJ making comments of all the check-ins...
Thank you for the SHOW !!

Edward Kusalik

Signal just keeps on booming in! @ 0258

Great signal now into Alberta...nice program of old type ragtime jazz melodies of the 30[s and 40;s

6955 U Nov.1.  at 0026 hearing above the noise whole bunch of ghoulish Halloween sounds...pretty creepy!
Posted and now I see who it is...Wolverine Radio..guess he decided to come out ...

caught a ID at 0030 hours into old time ragtime music!

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: X-FM 6975 AM 0002 UTC 1 Nov 2018
« on: November 01, 2018, 0022 UTC »
Yep..conditions not bad coming in at about s4 signal @0020 UTC..oops there goes the doorbell again..
trick 'n' treaters...

What a signal into Alberta...great signal just pounding in at S9 + @ 0049..GREAT PROGRAM!

Edward Kusalik

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