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Messages - Dxcan

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6266 at 1843 back on with a classic "Money for Nothing" by Dire Straits ---one of my favourites for sure..nice signal into SDR in France withs6 signal but some what noisy

Thank you for the correct e-mail address..I sated tuned to 1202 till the signal became quite noisy in trying to listen too...

Hearing this (1140+)station with classic tunes..gave the e-mail address but somewhat garbled..any one know the correct address they gave...

0945 "Traffic" via Tisto (via Belgium)
Mentioned closing down by OM @ 0948 hrs

Mention as Test Broadcast and thanked listener's for tuning in
The Grasshopper Polka played at close..final ID and off at 0952 hrs.

6293 hearing this station from 0916 hours via SDR Site in Ireland. Very Noisy conditions with variety of music from Polka's (Kugel Polka @o921) to "Ghost Riders in the Sky" @ 0918. Use Shazam to decrepit the music. 0942 OM in Dutch followed with a Polka Song.

6070 Captian Blackbeard Radio broadcast relayed via channel 292 from 0300 s/on with the 'true truck' experience at 0324 hours... great signal into Finland...

15075 Mike Radio being heard here in Alberta via VE6JY's antenna farm with a decent signal @ 1340 hours ..unbelievable to hear this at this hour!

2202 - Under Mi Sensi by Barrington Levy
2205 Fu Man Chu by Desmond Dekker and the Aces
2209 YL with ID,
Blah Blah Blah by Amin van Buuren selection

Just like DXace1, I too have this QSL...two of them...

Any one know the contact information for this broadcast and to who??

Station has gone into Russian @ 2219 hours with YL comments, followed with classic modern music

Being heard via SDR site in Finland with fantastic signal with Latin Ballads...but no ID for over half-hour from o842 tune-in to past 0920 hours....

e-mail address as announced as  pioneeram@hotmail.com

Hearing into St.Paul SDR Site @ 0004 with CCR "Every you ever seen the rain'
Signal at s4 to s5  noisy but quite readbale
Thanks for the show Zeeky !!

Edward Kusalik

Just audible here (s4 to s5)in Alberta at 0112 hours via the antenna aerial at VE6JY's site..
just might get better as sunset approachs here...

Edward Kusalik

Elton John  at 0135 hours..talked about the show and appreciate the show, ID's...just audible into Alberta..
thanks for the show Iroquois Radio :)

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