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Messages - Pigmeat

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The only station that matters.

Looks like a sleeve from one of the Beat's 45's or EP's circa 1979. Not that I'd know anything about that, I was but a glimmer in my Dad's eye then.

Dr. Gene cut a deal to be relayed via the defunct USSR transmitters in the Russian Far East after the fall of the Soviet Union. He boomed up and down the HF bands on those things until he married that porn starlet and croaked in the first decade of this century.

Barbie Bridges, aka, Pastor Melissa Scott, had the looks to hold a TV audience, but she didn't have the chops for the radio side of the ministry. Good to hear "God's Angry Man" is still befuddling folks on the radio via relays of his old shows. I always wondered what people with a basic knowledge of English thought when he went off on one of his long winded tangents in purported Hebrew and Greek? Ralph Stair couldn't hold a candle to Gene.

Is their signal back up to full strength?

If you guy's hear from them, ask them what the chic transvestite is wearing this summer? There's a certain politician in Florida who is dying to go to Disney World en femme and doesn't want to look like last year? If she likes the look, you may get to ban a book.

The RF Workbench / Re: Oscilloscope recommendation?
« on: June 17, 2023, 1848 UTC »
There was a pirate known for his chanting that I was told got his feet wet in the game using a RF generator before moving on to an actual transmitter? I often wonder where he got off to?

QSLs Received / Re: CFVP 6030 AM eQSL
« on: June 16, 2023, 2309 UTC »
Harold Sellers, there's a name I haven't seen in a long time. Bram Stoker used to mention Harold on the air from time to time.

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: WINB 15720 DRM 1206 UTC 15 JUN 2023
« on: June 16, 2023, 2251 UTC »
When did they go DRM?

Poached eggs on toast are the only way to go.

Paul McCartney used to be notorious for leaving phone numbers in the liner notes on Wings albums. Most of the time it was recording studios in the L.A. area that Wings used after Sir Paul relocated to Arizona.

I knew a guy in HS who worshipped McCartney. He was always in trouble, but his rich folks bought him anything he wanted, hoping it would occupy him. He had Rickenbacker bass like the Man himself. He was always calling the numbers on the Wings albums hoping someone famous would pick up, but he only got janitors and studio flunkies. He was a doofus, but he was our doofus.

General Radio Discussion / Re: CFVP 6030 likely going dark
« on: June 16, 2023, 2114 UTC »
I heard CFVP a couple of times during the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew in 1992, but that was it.

What was the low power HF station that served the Inside Passage and the islands to the north from the city of Vancouver? They ran low power but I could hear them every morning in the Appalachians. Their transmitter gave up the ghost, but a bunch of hams got together and modified a Kenwood rig to specs they thought the radio board would accept? The board shot it down because it couldn't do the Hokey-Pokey or some other damned nonsense.

Seeing that Fred Flintstone showed up after a couple of decades of being MIA the other day, I don't know how to call it. Will Captain Ron be next? Or is he still in that box under Old Man Fansome's trailer?

Peskies / Re: UNID 6919 LSB 0030 UTC 16 JUN 2023
« on: June 16, 2023, 2035 UTC »
Years ago, they used to pretend to be the "Nicaraguan Coast Guard" based in Bluefields, and would hang out near the old pirate frequencies between 6950-6960. A friend of mine whose family has business interests in Honduras and Nicaragua clued me into the fact that Nicaragua couldn't afford a Coast Guard, and the locals along the coast would often offer to trade you cocaine for a couple of cases of cold beer.

Honduras is about the same, but a lot of men openly carry guns. Ron DeSantis would love San Pedro Sula, lot's of guns and lot's of transsexual hookers. Highest HIV rate in the region with direct flights to Miami daily. It would take his mind off of Disney World.

The last President of Honduras was extradited to the US last year over he and his brother are suspected international drug kingpins. He's sitting in a jail cell in NYC at the moment awaiting trial. Los Hermanos Hernandez are reputed to be tied to the Sinaloa Cartel, a nice bunch of fella's to be in business with.

Peskies / Re: UNID 6919 LSB 0030 UTC 16 JUN 2023
« on: June 16, 2023, 1919 UTC »
Some of the ones in SS literally are pirates. They lay in wait off the coast of Nicaragua and Honduras and intercept the cocaine speedboats coming up the Caribbean coast. They also prey on yachts. It's a lucrative business, either way around. The islands and the coasts of Central America on the Caribbean side create a lot of bottle necks, as does the Panama Canal for yachts.

On the Pacific side, the coke boats stay further out to sea and make the direct run to western Mexico. You can thank all the North American cokeheads for big loads worth all the money that create the piracy and the blood.

There were some pescatarians on the frequency, too.

A Lutheran broadcasting, a fundamentalist Fansomite apostle posting, and Pescatarians sharing the frequency, it doesn't get much better than that. If only Gene Scott and Ralph Stair were around to throw in their two cents? It would've been perfect with Pastor Melissa wearing her thong's and high heels from her former career, working as the ring girl.

I think it's 77LJS.

"Schism" is pronounced "Skizm", you heathen. That's another 20 "Hail Belinda's". Get to it!

Why doesn't he tell the folks about Luther going through the DT's in his cell, having hallucinations of the Devil and flinging his feces at the specter? Ol' Marty could knock back the strong ale. Why he drank like a monk!

Everyone was a functional alcoholic in Europe in those days because the water was bad. The water had to be boiled to make beer, which made it safe to drink. Wine and mead had enough alcohol in them to make them safe. Cider was fermented apple juice.

Fansome was never so tanked up he threw his crap at a figment of his imagination!

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