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Messages - KaySeeks

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Weak carrier and occasional music and announcements. I can not make out any "intelligence" though.

2140 UTC - Music show and answered an email about E-QSL requests. (They don't promise to get them out. It depends upon staff free time.)
2148 UTC - Clear ID - "Laser" - between songs.

Apparently tail-ending Mustang Radio after they went off.

2047 UTC - Pop music. SINPO 34444.
2049 UTC - ID, email address and time checks in English. I think he said they have a new amplifier.
2134 UTC - Checked again just now and they are off the air.

Usual programming.

2025 - ID.

I'm using an SDR in Sweden tonight.

2012 UTC - ID in English. SINPO 34434 right now.
2015 UTC - Announcement in Dutch, into heavy metal.
2021 UTC - "Only on for one or two more songs then bye-bye." Into "Balls To The Wall".
2041 UTC - Close down announcement (again). Into the early part of The Cure's "A Forest".
2043 UTC - TX Off.

SINPO 44334 in Italy.

2024 UTC - Old US radio voice intro from Walter Winchel. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, let's go to France..."
2025 UTC - computerized ID in English.

I feel like Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman will make an appearance any minute now....  ;)

1925 UTC - Pop music with Slavic (?) vocals. SINPO 34233 in Italy.
1937 UTC - ZZ Top, "Sharp Dressed Man".
1939 UTC - Voice over the ZZ Top song "This is KaySeeks Radio. KaySeeks Radio."
1942 UTC - "Rock and Roll is King".
1944 UTC - The Hollies, "Long Cool Woman".
1957 UTC - ID and signoff announcement, thanking me and Ether for reports. Signal is great at the moment!
2000 UTC - Merle Haggard, "Tonight the Bottle Let Me Down". I can hear another carrier a few Hz off underneath JT.
2011 UTC - Buddy Holly, "Brown-eyed Handsome Man". JT is apparently delaying signoff.  8) ;D
2020 UTC - I walked away for a few minutes and came back. JT is gone. Buonasera!

1930 UTC - No ID but assumed. SINPO 24233 in Italy.

1731 UTC - ID into pop song "What Have You Done For Me Lately?". SINPO 24322 in Italy at the moment.

For what it is worth, just checked now at 1729 UTC and hear nothing in Italy.

Hello radiofriends,the zeppelin radio is on air,with non stop instrumental music,best wishes from the rainy Athens!


Weak in Italy now at 2012 UTC. Occasional QRM. SINPO 24422.  :(

Signal has improved at 2032 UTC but still not great.

Good reception in Italy. SINPO 34333. Big Band music from 1930s and 1940s. Frequency is 5139.99 KHz.

2001 UTC - computerized ID in English and into more music.
2005 UTC - music with German vocalist and bird chirps in background.
2007 UTC - "A barrel of fun starring Charley Ruggles". Bits of the US TV program "Gunsmoke" and other random things.
2016 UTC - "There's more music on the big sound of Charleston."
2019 UTC - Computerized ID, "Charleston Radio International . We're transmitting on (faded down) kilocycles." Signal is improving.
2024 UTC - IDs and little bits of music and US commercial adverts from the 1940s. Signal is great right now. SINPO 55444. I suspect that this is NVIS propagation given the foF2 and the signal quality right now.
2042 UTC - Music has been continuing. When I hear the announcer say "Hier ist de ( ? )sender Berlin. Hier ist de ( ? )sender Berlin." the audio gets cut off for 30 sec then a new song resumes with German female vocalist.
2111 UTC - Computerized ID in English.
2125 UTC - German vocal music. Signal is still good but starting to experience much more fading now that the foF2 is falling in central Europe.
2139 UTC - Signal is nearly gone. SINPO 14411. foF2 is < 4.7 MHz in central Europe.

I hear it in Italy. I have the frequency as 5849.99 KHz. SINPO 23333. What I thought was audio hum is some sort of multicarrier signal on top of their USB. Listening in LSB gets rid of that.

1953 UTC - Jazz-rock song.
1956 UTC - Radio Caroline ID.

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