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Messages - Pigmeat

Pages: 1 ... 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 [394] 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 ... 446
I like the way you think, Tom.

Did you ever notice that interest in such things increased exponentially after the fall of the Soviet Union? People have to have something to worry about.

Maybe the rise of Putin and the new Russia will give them something real to focus on.

BTW, the Soviets did HAARP type research in the 60's and 70's. They came to the conclusion it was basically useless.

There's nothing like hearing a meth lab blow up. It sounds like someone firing a mortar.

You would think that military would have figured out how to weaponize Sudafed by now?

General Radio Discussion / Re: has anyone ever thought about...
« on: June 13, 2014, 1801 UTC »
I thought about going the WBCQ route back in the middle of the last decade. I talked to Alan Weiner about it couple of times. The going rate then was 50 bucks an hour, but Alan said he was flexible on rates for ex or current pirates.

The catch for me was having to buy an hour every week for several months. You're looking at 200-250 bucks a month plus having to crank out a new 60 minute show every week. Too much extra work, IMO.

If you could find another pirate or three to alternate the time with, and share costs, that could possibly work.

Same here Boombox. It took some getting used to, but it does the job.

Equipment / Re: Inverted V on steep hillside
« on: June 12, 2014, 2021 UTC »
We prefer "Appalachian-Americans" these days.

Equipment / Re: Inverted V on steep hillside
« on: June 11, 2014, 2010 UTC »
I used to use inverted v's  on steep hillsides, as that's about all there is around here.

I found that they work best when you're on bluff or a cliff with a steep vertical drop.You set the antenna up about 3-4 yards from edge of the bluff, get it up in the trees about 30 feet at it's apex. The antenna being so close to the edge of the bluff "sees" the height of the antenna as 30 feet plus the height of the drop, (in the direction the bluff.)

It's a simple, easy trick to get a lot of extra height and put out a better signal w/o a lot of work.

General Radio Discussion / Re: What's a "Pestador"?
« on: June 07, 2014, 0842 UTC »
Some of the ones who speak a English based creole are Nicaraguan and Honduran Garifuna fisherman communicating with each other and their on-shore ports.

You'll hear what passes for the Nicaraguan Coast Guard, normally in the fall. The main base I hear is the one in Bluefields.

More than a few of the "fisherman" along that stretch of the Caribbean are indeed pirates. They make a living hijacking cocaine boats and selling the contents to Central American gangs that bring it north.

We had a guy running a grow op in the condo's down the street a few years back. You'd get 12 hours of rf noise then 12 hours of quiet airwaves. It was easy to figure out what was going on.

(My neighbor had a coffee maker that could kick out some nasty noise, but it was 15-20 minutes in the morning. I was glad to see it go.)

The grower backed his truck into one of the blue haired ladies brigade land yachts on his way out to make "deliveries". The knothead was growing weed within a thousand feet of a school and had young kids that lived with him. That will get you an automatic federal vacation, first offense or not.

You dated Amelia Earhart?

is less than a month away. Fansome, however, has neglected to start the countdown.

I'm disappointed in you, Al.

Radio Romania has been about the only broadcaster with a English service that has been doing in depth coverage of events in Ukraine on a daily basis. They've been slamming the Russians every evening on 40 meters on two frequencies since the coup in Kiev.

My guess is Vlad has had enough. I bet the Romanians made fun of his comb-over. Using Randy Newman's "Short People" for music beds probably didn't help either.

Huh? / Re: Backgammon memories
« on: May 28, 2014, 2326 UTC »
Oh puhleeze, Al. When you were a junior in college they were still working on how to use fire.

We should call this station "Energizer Bunny Radio" cuz it keeps going and going and going and going.....

You beat me to it. LOL.

I think you're right, Dick.

I heard him there initially Friday evening. I figured as he was still going on Sunday it was a Memorial Day Weekend marathon, yet today he's still there.

As duration goes, he's whupped Alan Maxwell.

Equipment / Re: After the transmitter what's next?
« on: May 27, 2014, 2113 UTC »
Most mic inputs on PC's feed into a built in compressor/limiter circuit on the soundcard. As AM is mono format, you can run your audio in through the mic input and out via the regular audio ouputs.

You'll need a snap on ferrite or two for the audio to transmitter feedline, a stereo to mono adapter at the PC's line out, so it sees a balanced load, and you're set. All you have to do is adjust the volume for best sound.

What Redhat said about pawn shops is solid advice. I saw a nice seven channel Alexysis(?) compressor/limiter a few weeks back for just over 100 bucks. Analog EQ's are practically free, 10-15 bucks and up, but you'll want to work out a return deal with the shop in case you get it home and the pots are shot.

Remember, tweakers and junkies have the right of way in all pawn shops.

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