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Messages - zackers

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Good signal here. 20 over 9, Signal 55445. Dr. Benway ID's at 2340 and 2346.
2351 Shoutouts to all of us on HFU and some others. First new show in 4 years.
2355 Shoutout to ULX2 in Ukraine, then sign-off.
Thanks for the show Dr. Benway!

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Turtlehead Radio 6925 USB
« on: April 21, 2012, 0705 UTC »
Signal not too bad here. S7 to S9. Some QSB. Just ID'ed at 0704.

I passed out at about 0720 and woke up to noise on the radio.

Thanks for the show Turtlehead Radio!

Just got home and tuned in at 0610. Great signal here, S9 or better. Very clear.

0618 Red Mercury Live ID, mentioned Skeezix. You do still have some listeners!
0634 Shoutout to me! Thanks!

North American Shortwave Pirate / 6925 AM 0152Z
« on: April 21, 2012, 0155 UTC »
Strange mash-up at start with American Bandstand tune, increasing tones, Lone Ranger tune, signal is S9 here
0156 Voice audio distorted, almost unintelligible
0157 Sounds like "Be My Baby" played through a phaser
0159 ID I couldn't make out

North American Shortwave Pirate / Wolverine Radio 6925 AM 0130Z
« on: April 21, 2012, 0131 UTC »
0130Z Playing "Illegal Smile" John Prine another 4-20 show?
Good signal, S7 - S9 on peaks
0132 Another marijuana song
0135 Eight Miles High, The Byrds
0138 Spacy Wolverine Radio ID
0139 One Toke Over The Line
0142 Last Dance With Mary Jane
0146 When I Get Home I'll Get High (?)
0149 Wolverine Radio ID again, then it seems they're gone.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Radio Ga Ga 6925 U 0040Z
« on: April 21, 2012, 0046 UTC »
Tuned in while playing Wipeout; then ID at 0043Z
Good signal, 44334
Special 4-20 show! (and I forgot yesterday was Bicycle Day)
0044 Song I didn't recognize
QRN here moderately bad
Signal came up over last few minutes, S9 here now
0056Z Bob Dylan Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35
0059 ID
0059 Don't Bogart That Joint
0111 SSTV
0113 Morse "RGG420" repeated several times
0113 "This is Radio Ga Ga, smoke 'em if you got'em, thanks for listening," then off

Thanks for the show Radio Ga Ga!

North American Shortwave Pirate / 6925 LSB 0000Z
« on: April 21, 2012, 0008 UTC »
I hear something in there, it's pretty weak. Might be pescadores ...

Equipment / Re: Hallicrafters HT-40 transmitter 80-10m FS
« on: April 20, 2012, 2007 UTC »
I still have one of those! I haven't fired it up in many years but it's still intact. I'm hanging onto it for now. I remember when I was a Novice we were limited to 75 watts DC INPUT, which meant this rig put out 40 watts at most. It did amazingly well for me; I used it for a few years after upgrading to General class and probably worked 40 countries with it on CW.

QSLs Received / Re: Captain Ron Shortwave QSL
« on: April 18, 2012, 1858 UTC »
Oh yesss ... that robot has surfaced in other TV shows now and then. They must have it in a museum some place now.

General Radio Discussion / Re: Constant Morse on 7.6 mHz?
« on: April 18, 2012, 1853 UTC »
There was a station on 7542 a couple months ago sending Morse "5 5 5 5 5" ... but it disappeared just after I posted something here about the beam heading I got on it. Coincidence? I guess we'll never know.

The Chicago Blackhawks Band are friends of mine. Thanks for the Blackhawks drawing, jFarley! Tom Grassman, the guitarist, has that very drawing painted on his guitar.

That sure would be fun to prowl through!

A Customs Inspector on coke
(or perhaps after taking a toke?)
With his drill at full throttle
Breached a good vacuum bottle,
And released all the magic blue smoke...

Hey, that belongs in the DXHPDS!
For those of you who aren't radio amateurs who predate the 1980's, that's the DX Hoggery and Poetry Depreciation Society.

I heard that at 2319Z. It was very loud here, S9+20. Unfortunately, I had to leave at 2330Z and was away from home for four hours.

Based on what he said, it appears he didn't pay anything for the tubes. So in his case, all he's lost is the expected tubes. He said four were shipped and two were damaged? Then he still has two good ones. What do you expect for nothing? Rubber biscuit?

The sender is the one who lost most in this case. If he were willing to give them away, I imagine it isn't a huge loss for him, either.

It's a shame that two good tubes were destroyed, though.

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