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Messages - Skipmuck

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0235 UTC Weak here also but slightly stronger than 6960 AM with "Soldier Boy"-Shirelles?
0246 UTC "Any Major Dude"-Steely Dan
0249 UTC "Space Oddity"-David Bowie
0254 UTC "Snoopy vs Red Baron"-Royal Guardsmen (Up to S5 peaks with light fading and high noise level. There's a aerosol ute in there also)
0257 UTC "Captain of Her Heart"-Double
0301 UTC "Private Idaho"-B-52's
0323 UTC "One Tin Soldier"-forgot who does this...

Thank you for the military rank themed show tonight Ballsmacker! Tough prop this evening, but 4030 USB is punching through!

0217 UTC Weak carrier with a threshold trace of audio here
0230 UTC Still weak here...

0036 UTC "Rocky Mountain Way"-Godsmack?
0038 UTC Different song now
(Signal is fading in and out of the noise...S6 peaks...excellent audio at peaks)
0045 UTC Hitting S7 peaks now...heavy rock tune now
0048 UTC OM with "I stand alone"..."Damn Skippy"
0053 UTC Thanks! I got it right  :)
0101 UTC "Bad Company"-Five Finger Death Punch?
0111 UTC Shoutouts to the HFU posters...THANKS!
0113 UTC Sounds like Lemmy "You Can't Bring Me Down"-Suicidal Tendancies
0120 UTC Signal dropped down to the noise floor

0017 UTC I have a threshold trace of music here...down real low in the noise

North American Shortwave Pirate / RFW 6950 USB 0001 UTC 18 NOV 2023
« on: November 18, 2023, 0002 UTC »
0001 UTC I can hear you talking DJDW, but the signal is buried in the noise. Not positive it's DJDW. The prop tonight sucks!
0004 UTC Music deep in the noise
0008 UTC Signal up a little bit
0009 UTC Definitely DJDW, but no luck on spoken word copy
0011 UTC Seems to have QRT'd

2328 UTC Reggae sounding pop song, then pause (AM now)
2330 UTC Synth voiced YL with "This is Unknown Name Radio testing a new radio", followed by a techno pop tune (USB now)
2332 UTC Same techno pop tune, only this time in LSB
2334 UTC Reggae pop song in USB
(So far all modes sound very good to excellent here audiowise)
2345 UTC QSY'd to 6925 USB after a pause
0021 UTC "Tequila"-The Champs
0023 UTC "Wooly Bully"-Sam the Sham & The Pharoahs
0025 UTC "For What It's Worth"-Buffalo Springfield  8)
0028 UTC "Going Up the Country"-Canned Heat
0031 UTC "Green Onions"-Booker T & MG's
0034 UTC Techno

It's been quite awhile since I've heard Unknown Name Radio...new rig sounds excellent!

2302 UTC "Rock and Roll Music"-Chuck Berry (S7 peaks here with moderate fading and light noise)
2304 UTC OM with WDOG ID, followed by "New Orleans"-Gary US Bonds
2307 UTC OM DJ chat, followed by a song I forgot the name of
2311 UTC OM DJ says "that was Eddie Cochran", followed by "School Days"-Chuck Berry
2314 UTC OM DJ, followed by "Hallelujah I Love Her So"-Ray Charles
2316 UTC OM DJ, followed by an unid early rock tune...lyrics "We're Gonna Rock Tonight (Noise level is getting bad!)
2318 UTC WDOG singing jingle, then pause...OFF I guess

Thanks for the early rock tunes WDOG!

2236 UTC Unid electronica music with a gruff voiced OM speaking over the music (S9+ here)
2238 UTC Choral singers over a different electronica tune
2252 UTC Transmission breaks
2253 UTC OFF

Now that was interesting music!Had a dark martial feel to it...Here's my recording of the show:

Would very much appreciate an eQSL!

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6925 USB 1757 UTC 17 NOV 2023
« on: November 17, 2023, 1759 UTC »
1757 UTC Tuned in to a Red Hot Chili Peppers tune, then OFF 1758 UTC

2307 UTC A Frank Zappa song I forgot the name of (S7 peaks with light fading and noise)
2331 UTC Switched to an unid Tool song
2354 UTC "Bad Company"-Five Finger Death Punch?
2359 UTC "Rooster"-Alice In Chains live
0013 UTC Signal dropped down a bit...mostly still above the noise floor
0018 UTC Up to S8 peaks now!
0035 UTC Sounds like Rush now
0039 UTC TCR op says "Here comes some really strong words from an album that's almost 40 years old"
0057 UTC Signal dropped down to just above the noise
0120 UTC "Happy Trails"-Van Halen
0123 UTC ID, then OFF

Thanks for playing all of Over-Nite Sensation! Classic Zappa!  8) Also, a great mix of grunge tunes!

Thanks again for an evening of Free Range Pirate Radio!

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6950 USB 0010 UTC 16 NOV 2023
« on: November 16, 2023, 0010 UTC »
0010 UTC Unid dramatic sounding instrumental music (S9 with very light fading and excellent audio)
0015 UTC Song continues, only with an OM rapping over the music, then morphed into a techno tune
0018 UTC Different music now-OM singer
0025 UTC Unid techno
0045 UTC Signal dropped down to S5...band going long?
0048 UTC Back up a bit to S7

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6950 0010 UTC 15 NOV 2023
« on: November 15, 2023, 0015 UTC »
0014 UTC Also hearing ambient spacey music here (Just above the S6 noise floor)
0017 UTC OM narrating but poor copy and also some chanting choral singing
0021 UTC Getting some copy now with 2 OM and spoken word
(No luck getting the story theme)
0034 UTC Deep in the noise now

QSLs Received / Re: Crapola Radio Postal QSL 8 NOV 2023
« on: November 14, 2023, 2238 UTC »
Also received an awesome postal QSL today with a different design. Thank you Professor Plum, Miss Scarlet, Brain Brothers shortwave pirate radio network, and Plum Loco Company! Love the Elvis postage on the envelope too! Last but not least, a tip of the hat to the USPS for getting the job done!

2158 UTC OM with Purge Radio International looped ID's followed by a sound byte from a Zeke program in which he admits to an abhorrent act with a baby.
2204 UTC Still going (S9 peaks with light fading...excellent audio)
2208 UTC OFF

My second time hearing this sound byte...the first time was the original live program  :-X
Please QSL!

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HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns