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Messages - KaySeeks

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1843 Colonel Bogey march

This seems to be the song of the evening, no?

1848 - Same. I have the carrier on 6230.28 KHz, FWIW. Better reception in Scandinavia then central Europe, also FWIW.
1914 - Email address and, I think, ID but I missed the ID.

Very loud into Norway at the moment.

1736 - male vocal music with guitar. Language is UNID at the moment.
1751 - Vocal music in various languages, including English and perhaps Finnish, over the past 20 minutes. Their signal is listenable across most of eastern and western Europe.
1808 - Reception in Scandinavia is suffering now that the sun is setting in western Europe.
1810 - Long dead air break.
1819 - A lot of Spanish guitar music as of late. Signal is improving in central and northern Europe.
1824 - Colonel Bogey March song.
1826 - Doris Day, "Que Sera, Sera".
1835 - ID by Johnny Tobacco.
1842 - TX off after Frank Sinatra, "My Way".

Goede nacht, Johnny

1722 - Better reception on a Norwegian SDR. Sounds like Dutch vocal music.
1727 - Dutch song to the tune of "Free Electric Band".
1730 - Now covered in STANAG. Reception is extremely difficult.

Very bad modulation and I was listening on USB. Then STANAG started up and just as I switched to LSB due to the STANAG, the carrier went off.  :-\

SINPO 32232 on an Austrian SDR.

1713 - Electronic music.
1737 - Very weak all around.

Schlager music with Dutch vocals
0754 - Live announcement (with microphone feedback) briefly in Dutch, greeting listeners. Music continues.
0805 - SINPO 45454 on a UK SDR right now.

SINPO 35444 on a UK SDR at 0653 UTC.

0808 UTC - Getting lots of QRM from LHH on 6205 KHz now. SINPO 32343 on UK SDR due to QRM.

Eddie Money, ‘Two Tickets to Paradise’ Singer, Is Dead at 70

Holy Shit.

1705 - ID.  Looked at logs of the station online on various websites, including this one.

SINPO 33233 on an SDR in Norway. No copy on an SDR in UK. Carrier is at 6322.48 KHz.

1709 - "Neutron Dance".
1727 - Reception is shifting as sundown comes across central Europe. Op told a story about how he used to put on his 25 Watt TX, leave the TX unattended and "go round to the pub".
1729 - Next song.
1735 - Signal is weaker is Scandinavia. Carrier now seems to be on 6322.52 KHz. Suzanne Vega song.

SDR - Software Defined Radio / Re: Hack RF One SDR
« on: September 14, 2019, 0046 UTC »
Thanks for doing this. I have been curious about this rig.

Next to see the effect of varying the VGA. Yes, it does vary the output power. No, not exactly as much as you would expect from theory.

At 7.1 MHz, with the RF Amp off, measuring the output into a 50 ohm load:
47 dB 111 mV  0.246 mW
37 dB 44 mV   0.039 mW
27 dB 28 mV  0.016 mW

With the RF Amp on:
45 dB 880 mV 15.5 mW
35 dB 308 mV 1.90 mW
25 dB 109 mV 0.24 mW
15 dB 42 mV 0.035 mW

I think what you mean is "not exactly as much as you would expect from the specifications."

The specs are likely only typical values, not max/min values, so don't be surprised if things differ "a bit" . (Everyone has a different definition of "a bit".  ;)  )

Noticing that with the amp off, the step from 47 to 27 dB (20 dB) was measured as 11.9 dB and with the amp on, that step was 18 dB. With the amp on, the the full step you have here (45 to 15 dB = 30 dB) was measured as 26 dB.

One of the things that happens with VGAs is that crosstalk from input to output can confound step characterization. Here's a table of your steps with the amp on:

45 dB --> 9.1 dB step from 35 dB
35 dB --> 9.0 dB step from 25 dB
25 dB --> 8.4 dB step from 15 dB

The incremental steps above are actually fairly uniform (but not exactly 10 dB) so crosstalk may not be the issue.

However, it is interesting that the step was closer to expected with the amp on, rather than off. Is there a possibility that the 27 dB value with the amp off is wrong? Are you measuring the noise floor of your oscilloscope at that step setting?

Any interest in a harmonic output or a two-tone IP3 characterization of the TX output?  8) :)


Corpses of family members were often buried for days, then exhumed once the corpses were infested with maggots, at which point the corpse would be dismembered and served with the maggots as a side dish.

 :o :o :o :o :o

That should be served with some of this on the side. FAIR WARNING - do not read this if you have just eaten, or are about to eat.


Yup. Not hungry now. I don't think that my hunger will return for a few days....

General Radio Discussion / Re: Swiss To Shut Down FM
« on: September 10, 2019, 2240 UTC »
One can guess that DAB+ over there is in a different band.

Its not a well written article, which is commonplace today in the media.

I guess a prerequisite is that you would have to know that DAB+ and FM are different ...somehow. (A different frequency, mode, etc.) However, given that this is Radioworld, which is aimed at those in the radio business, I suppose that it's not too much of a stretch to expect that.

Peskies / Re: Scandinavians 6230 USB 1830 UTC 10 Sept 2019
« on: September 10, 2019, 2206 UTC »
The ute might be 06227.6 STANAG4285 1200L, FUE (French Navy Radio) out of Brest, France.

It could be STANAG, I suppose. It didn't seem like "the usual STANAG" that I am used to but...who knows?
It could also be the French Navy testing a different mode on the same frequency.

SINPO 34333 on an SDR in northern Germany.

1915 UTC - E17 song.
1918 UTC - Jeff Lynn song.

disturbed by gurgling ut. on 5777 (but USB clear, just stormy)

The gurgling seems like digitally-encrypted voice but I really have no idea.

Some sort of comedy programming for a few minutes at 1905 then into music at 1908 UTC.

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