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Topics - R4002

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Possibly two QSOs on the same frequency.  Hearing distorted audio on 6999 kHz and 6998.8 kHz (both in LSB mode), hearing English and possibly a second language.  Heavy accents. 

Peskies / 6717 kHz USB Spanish Language QSOs 2245 UTC 26 Dec 2018
« on: December 26, 2018, 2247 UTC »
6717 kHz / 6.717 MHz USB mode hearing some Spanish language chatter on frequency, with lots of static crash QRN at the moment.

Receiver is the COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR remote receiver located on the CT/MA border

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6885 AM 1730 UTC 24 Dec 2018
« on: December 24, 2018, 1733 UTC »
via COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR UNID unknown carrier 6885 kHz

Carrier on 6885 kHz, I think I hear faint music but can't be 100% sure.  The Relay Station is still going on 6880 kHz just 5 kHz down from this carrier...

6865 kHz or so, maybe 6865.2, sounds distorted with some two-way QRM - music is there though

Edit, this might actually be 6866 kHz LSB, with some USB unsuppressed...almost 6866 DSB?

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6900 USB 1656 UTC 24 Dec 2018
« on: December 24, 2018, 1659 UTC »
Hearing some Trans-Siberian Orchestra on the COMMSIGMA and Rochester, NY SDRs, S5-S6 signal

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6960 USB 1641 UTC 24 Dec 2018
« on: December 24, 2018, 1644 UTC »
Hearing "Redneck Raindeer" in the upper sideband of 6955 AM.  Six stations on the air at once!

Hearing Spanish voices on 5555.5 kHz - yes, another super easy to remember frequency, just like 6666.6 kHz or 6777.7 kHz etc etc. 

Typical pescadore like chatter, good signals with some very weak QRM from what seems to be 5557 kHz (possibly another peskie net?) or something else way down in the noise.  Listening on COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR remote receiver on the CT/MA border.

Old Time Radio coming in nicely on 6770 kHz AM with some QRM from various pescadores, freebanders and other radio nets on 6771.5 kHz, 6775 kHz and other nearby frequencies.  Good signal nonetheless with a S7 carrier and fully readable radio drama complete with laughing in the background at 2140 UTC.  Tuned in while cruising the band for pescadores and similar UNID nets.  Peaking to S9 at 2141 UTC.

2142 UTC - whistling
2142 UTC - "stop it, you're whistling!"
2143 UTC - "is it any wonder we can't afford...I found an empty bottle of bourbon in the icebox"

radio drama continues, YL talking to OM with laugh track in the background, some fading but still a very listenable signal and nice AM audio

6797 kHz LSB 6.797 MHz LSB, an interesting QSO...when there's no voice, there's a loud rushing sound, not sure if this is a duplex link because its non-stop chatter.  Reminds me of a radiotelephone link in a way.  There are several similar signals in this region (roughly 6600 kHz to 6800 kHz) in both USB and LSB mode, Portuguese and Spanish. 

6980 kHz USB 6.980 MHz USB these guys are back, speaking a very heavily accented English mixed in with a language I can't recognize.  Some distortion...

Peskies / 6925 LSB Portuguese Chatter 2100 + UTC 21 Dec 2018
« on: December 21, 2018, 2119 UTC »
6925 kHz LSB Portuguese chatter - pescadore watering hole with good signals, several other frequencies in the 6700-7000 kHz band are also active but, of course, you start with 6925 kHz.  Listening via the COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR remote receiver on the CT/MA border this afternoon. 

6.925 MHz UNID pescadore fishing fleets using HF radios HF-SSB Brazilians?

Peskies / 6935 kHz LSB Radio Checks HOLLAAA 2116 UTC 21 Dec 2018
« on: December 21, 2018, 2117 UTC »
HOLAAAA HOLLAAAA with feedback and some overmodulation, very strong signal splattering on the USB side of 6935 kHz.  I think I heard "Brazil" there but mostly just HOLAAAAA peaking past S9 at points.  Heard via COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR on the CT/MA border.  There's so many signals on the band tonight I can't log them all

Peskies / 6255 kHz USB Spanish-Speaking Fishermen 2110 UTC 21 Dec 2018
« on: December 21, 2018, 2116 UTC »
6255 kHz 6.255 MHz USB mode, HF-SSB marine band QSO in progress.  Several busy frequencies on the 6 MHz band this afternoon

vato, marihuana, cambio! heard at tune-in at 2208 UTC ("vato" is slang for "dude" or "homeboy" or something to that effect..."marihuana" is marijuana and "cambio" is "over" or "back to you").  Likely QSO on-going on 10 MHz band 10.222.2 MHz 10222.2 kHz USB - another peskie-like frequency, suffering from significant fading as we get closer to sunset...several mentions of marjiuana, not sure if they're talking about smoking it or transporting it (probably smoking it)....these guys sound like pescadores, salty language and laid-back QSO style on a "cute" (easy to remember) frequency.

Receiver: COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR on the CT/MA border.

Via COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR on the CT/MA border.  Several UNID SSB QSOs in the 9-10 MHz region (and lower in frequency, of course)....at least four different stations yakking away on 9220.5 kHz 9.220.5 MHz, decent signals with South American accents, presumed fishing fleet communications HF marine chatter - several numbers heard, talking about cargoes, consistent with previous pescadore chatter logs on various HF frequencies.

That, or its drug traffickers.  ;)

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