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Messages - glimmer twin

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I think its the mighty KBC digital thingy from K.A.E ,  judging by your other vid.


Its in mfsk64. use fldigi to decode


the radio was probably overloading with a local MW Spanish language station. The reason it happened when you touched the radio is because you are obviously some sort of wizard.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: 3204.7 1004-1041+, 19 August
« on: August 19, 2014, 1220 UTC »
I didn't copy this station but I listen to LOTS of OTR & I have never heard of the Fred MacMurray show. My Sister Irene was a TV show & I don't think it was an OTR show so perhaps he is running television audio instead of OTR.

I've read somewhere that this is some sort of military thing. Intended for German soldiers. You're getting some impressive DRM logs. Congrats.

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: Deutsche Welle & All India Radio
« on: August 14, 2014, 1453 UTC »
AIR English is also on 7550 at this time if I am doing the UTC conversion correctly. The easiest heard frequencies for N America are from the Bengaluru transmitter which cranks out 500 kilowatts on 7550  9445 & 11670 from 20:45-22:30 UTC. The HF bully Radio Havana took up residence on the best heard frequency , 11670. but the other 2 Bengaluru are clear I think. Its all up to the propagation gods though.

DW is also on 11800 at this time I think. I hear the 25 meter freq's better here in central N America.

Other / Re: 6945 USB 0347 UTC 14 Aug 14 Link-11?
« on: August 14, 2014, 0448 UTC »
Sounds like an FSK (RTTY) signal to me. It might be a STANAG xxxx (1241  maybe...I can't recall that designation)  station. I can't tell without firing up my SDR and seeing it in the waterfall. I left my SDR IQ at the little womans QTH.

General Radio Discussion / Re: Axe to fall on REE shortwave?
« on: August 12, 2014, 2010 UTC »
On weekends when they were broadcasting futbol games from the Costa Rica relay I could hear the guy screaming  "GOOOOOOAAAAALLLLLL" from about 20 Khz either side of the REE frequency

Shortwave Broadcast / English programs at 3:00-4:00UTC
« on: August 12, 2014, 0427 UTC »
I've had very little time to play radio lately but tonight I fired up the R75 at 3:10-3:50 UTC and found:

Vatican  7360//9660     7360 via Madagascar  9660 via Santa Maria
Turkey   9515
Romania  9645//7350
BBC 13660  via Rwanda
Australia  15160//15240//15300//17840//15415
New Zealand  15720
Iran 13650
China  15350   via Kashi Saibagh

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: KRE's nasty transmitter hum.
« on: August 12, 2014, 0419 UTC »
To my ears it sounds remarkably similar to the jamming signal they use for the various South Korean stations. I used to hear various language services bleeding through and mixing with each other/ Listening now to DPRK English on 15180 and the hum isn't as noticeable as on Twente.

General Radio Discussion / Axe to fall on REE shortwave?
« on: August 10, 2014, 1514 UTC »
via DXLD #1432

** SPAIN. REE. Listening right now 2 August at 2100 UT to the English
transmission on 9660 kHz and their programme "Listeners Club". Alison
Hughes has just said that it is not certain right now that REE will be
on air after 1 October. I assume she is referring to the English
broadcast rather than REE as a whole, but she didn't clarify further.
(Alan Roe, Teddington, UK, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This forum post in Russian when translated through Google translate
seems to suggest that its been announced on air that REE Russian will
be ending on SW soon.
(Stephen Cooper, UK, ibid.)

I have now just listened to the "Listeners Club" programme of 15 July
with Justin Coe and Alison Hughes where some more detail was given. It
seems that there are new bosses at REE, and here are a few quotes from
the programme:

JC: "[there are] a f--k load of rumours" (I re-listened, and that is
what Justin said) ...
AH: "the Spanish language news team for Radio Exterior will be leaving
to be incorporated into [...] Radio Uno"
JC: "it seems [that the bosses] might want to close the shortwave
transmitter site with the curtain antennas which require a lot of
electricity to transmit [...] the Unions have published a pamphlet
against it [....] Everything is in a state of flux and there's a lot
of rumours"
AH: "I heard from a colleague of ours in the Spanish language news
team who had met with the [...] new boss [...] who said 'On September
1st you'll be moving downstairs' "

So the future doesn't look good for REE (Alan Roe, Teddington, UK,

Other / Re: UNID 6945 KHZ LSB 0132 UTC AUGUST 9, 2014
« on: August 09, 2014, 0150 UTC »
Seems a bit noisy tonight but I copy music on 6945 lsb just above the noise level. Very tough copy when voice but music is easily heard.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: WRR 6925 USB 0457z 8/6/14
« on: August 06, 2014, 0540 UTC »
Very weak here. Only occassionally popping above the noise level.  At 5:37  Hank Williams "Honky Tonk Blues"  Love that song. The Stones Honky Tonk Women is based on that tune. Thanx for the show WRR

Intuned at 1:55. Strongest signal I've ever heard from this station. Its usually just a barely detectable het from here. I heard the het last night or the night before for the first time in a while but tonight I can actually copy it when it peaks. still tough copy but way better than usual. Thanx OTR

Other / Re: "Herb" maritime weather forecast guy on 12359 Khz
« on: August 02, 2014, 2202 UTC »
Thanx solarix. I'd always wondered about this net. It made for lots of interesting listening over the years.

I haven't listened to VON in a long time. Signal from Ikorodu is S4 on my R75 w/ 10 meter random wire antenna. Discussion of the ebola outbreak (which I am convinced heralds the end of human life). Annoying high pitched het on frequency , perhaps from co-channel CRI but could be just weirdness from VON transmitter. 5:44 into cool Nigerian music.

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