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Topics - R4002

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Peskies / 12018 kHz USB Spanish Language 1603 UTC 30 Oct 2018
« on: October 30, 2018, 1607 UTC »
Possible fishing fleets fishery radios South American fishermen on the HF radio - 12018 kHz 12.018 MHz USB mode. 

Hearing weak Spanish language two-way chatter inside the 25 meter shortwave broadcast band - in between a powerful FSK signal on 12014 kHz, a powerful SWBC carrier on 12025 kHz and a powerhouse broadcast station on 12030 kHz. 

QSO still on-going at 1606 UTC, informal chatter, heard one of the ops yawn over the air at 1607 UTC, followed by some more remarks in Spanish and some hysterical laughter...

5510 kHz 5.510 MHz USB (previously logged on 12 April 2017) same mode, frequency and language...also sounded like fishing fleet communications outside the HF marine bands. 

Similar to the traffic heard on 5540 kHz LSB, lots of salty sailor language, informal chatter, likely South American fishing trawlers. 

Utility / Royal Air Force VOLMET 5450 kHz USB 2350 UTC 29 Oct 2018
« on: October 29, 2018, 2350 UTC »
[heard via Chris' Westminster, MD SDR]

SIO 333 to 444 great signal this evening on 5450 kHz USB 5.450 MHz USB mode, synth computer YL voice reading aeronautical weather information - VOLMET - St. Eval (Military One).  Shannon Radio is also coming in nicely with lots of activity on the 3-5 MHz region. 

Hearing some salty talk (in Spanish) on 5540 kHz LSB / 5.540 MHz LSB - heavy use of the "cambio" proword ("over" in Spanish language radio procedure).  Two OMs having a casual QSO S3-S4 signals, both stations are about equal signal strength.  More curse words in Spanish at 2340 UTC.  Sounds like fishing boat communications.  "It's all good", general informal chatter "call or don't call..." heard at 2240 UTC as well.  "Son of a bitch, there's no money!" "okay back to you, over" [laughing]

Probable fishing fleets or other marine traffic HF-SSB 5 MHz bands. 

2342 UTC - talking about different dates

Listening on Chris' KiwiSDR in Westminster, MD. 

Peskies / 6990 LSB Music, Jamming Peskie Party 2253 UTC 29 Oct 2018
« on: October 29, 2018, 2254 UTC »
6990 kHz 6.990 MHz 6.99 MHz Spanish language QSO music jamming and everyone talk on top of each other party!  Multiple signals going at once at 2253 UTC tune-in time.  Maybe better to call them sound effects akin to CB noise toys.  But on 43 meters. 

Peskies / 6993 LSB Messy QRM 2248 UTC 29 Oct 2018
« on: October 29, 2018, 2249 UTC »
via Chris' Westminster, MD SDR:

Hearing what sounds like several QSOs at once on 6993 kHz LSB mode 6.993 MHz.  Lots and lots of Latin American signals on the bands this evening but this frequency is more or less non-stop active...

Peskies / 5095 kHz USB UNID Italian or Spanish 2230 UTC 29 Oct 2018
« on: October 29, 2018, 2234 UTC »
UNID two way communications 5.095 MHz 5095 kHz USB mode

My first reaction was "oh that's Spanish"
but then after listening for a few moments its either Italian or South American accented Spanish that sounds enough like Italian to confuse me.  Interesting frequency choice too...two OMs talking on 5095 kHz USB mode.  QSO still on-going at 2234 UTC.  Listening via the Westminster, MD SDR.

Peskies / 6 MHz Marine SSB Logs 2200 + UTC 29 Oct 2018
« on: October 29, 2018, 2217 UTC »
6 MHz maritime mobile marine mobile ITU SSB channelling band HF-SSB marine band 6200 kHz - 6525 kHz (officially) 

I know this is under the Peskies forum and not Utility but there's a pretty big gray area between the two...but I digress..

6215.5 kHz USB (6215 kHz is the 6 MHz marine distress frequency) - unknown language, too weak to ID
6244 kHz USB - sounds like an African or Caribbean language
6249 kHz USB - Portuguese, suffering from extreme QRM from the carrier on 6250 kHz
6254 kHz USB - Portuguese, sounds like the pescadores heard in the 6700-7000 kHz range
6262 kHz USB - Spanish, distinctly heard "estoy buscando" - "I am searching for" at 2205 UTC
6292.6 kHz USB - Spanish, one of the stations seems to be on 6292.7 kHz
6300 kHz USB - Spanish language, weak but busy
6421.5 kHz USB - Spanish or Portuguese, not 100% sure

While these frequencies do fall within the 6200 kHz to 6525 kHz 6MHz HF marine band allocation, the ITU channeling isn't exactly followed...6215 kHz is the 6MHz distress frequency, and the traffic heard was not distress traffic and was also on 6215.5 kHz not 6215.0 kHz. 

6244 kHz - in between 6242 kHz and 6245 kHz recommended SSB 3 kHz channel spacing
6249 kHz - in between 6248 kHz and 6251 kHz recommended SSB 3 kHz channel spacing
6254 kHz - actually on one of the recommend frequencies according to 3 kHz channel plan
6262 kHz - in between 6260 kHz and 6263 kHz recommended SSB 3 kHz channel spacing
6292.6 kHz / 6292.7 kHz - closest 3 kHz channel is 6293 kHz so I could easily call that "fine tuning" :D
6300 kHz - in between 6299 kHz and 6302 kHz recommended SSB 3 kHz channel spacing
6421.5 kHz - this part is a little bit murky, as the channeling doesn't actually match up even according to the ITU documents

The ITU only officially designates 8 "duplex" channels (often used as simplex) - ship TX frequencies 6200 kHz to 6221 kHz and shore TX frequencies 6501 kHz to 6522 kHz, including the 6215 kHz distress/calling frequency and the 6501 USCG weather broadcast frequency.

So, aside from the official ITU simplex/duplex channel plans, I think the remaining portions of the MF and HF marine bands are use whichever frequency you want.  I know that FAX and other data modes use "in between" frequencies as well as out of band frequencies too. 

Hearing Spanish language chatter - probably freebanders (outbanders, either licensed or not, they're de facto amateur radio operators in whichever country they're in) on 6740 kHz USB and 6755 kHz USB.  I have logged 6755 USB several times (it is a bad frequency choice due to the fact that the Canadian military uses 6754 kHz USB)...but I think this is the first time I've heard a QSO on 6740 kHz USB.  Naturally, this is an even worse choice...as the USAF uses 6739 kHz USB. 

I've heard CANFORCE meteo broadcasts on 6754 USB fighting with Spanish speaking freebanders or pescadores on 6755 USB, I'm sure its happened with 6712 kHz and 6739 kHz too. 

Peskies / 6688 USB UNID Freebander Calling CQ 2147 UTC 29 Oct 2018
« on: October 29, 2018, 2149 UTC »
Lots of whistling into the mic, calling CQ....and at 2148 UTC another station answered...somewhat annoyed, said something along the lines of this frequency is in use and we can hear it...the UNID station (the first one) responded by whistling into the mic several more times.

6688 kHz USB 6.688 kHz USB

Peskies / 6950 USB Portuguese Language 2140 UTC 29 Oct 2018
« on: October 29, 2018, 2144 UTC »
6950 kHz 6.950 MHz UNID fishing fleet radio ??? Portuguese (maybe?)  coming in nicely at 2140 UTC tune in, still going as I type this at 2144 UTC.  Listening on the Westminster, MD SDR. 

6900 kHz LSB 6.900 MHz 6.9 MHz this is the "watering hole" - maybe call it the "Spanish window?" :D  Hearing Mexican-accented Spanish voices at 2140 UTC

Peskies / 6985 USB UNID Portuguese Language 2133 UTC 29 Oct 2018
« on: October 29, 2018, 2136 UTC »
6985 kHz 6.985 MHz more Portuguese speaking "peskies" (probably pescadores, i.e. fishing fleet communications...maybe informal banter is a better way to describe it).  Lots and lots of these QSOs popping up all over the 6-7 MHz band, especially the 6500-7000 kHz or so range...

Peskies / 6960 USB UNID Portuguese Language 2133 UTC 29 Oct 2018
« on: October 29, 2018, 2133 UTC »
6960 kHz 6.960 MHz busy traffic at 2133 UTC tune-in (using the Westminster, MD SDR).  Whistling into mic, operators talking over each other...all the good stuff

Peskies / 6755 USB UNID Spanish Language QSO 2128 UTC 29 Oct 2018
« on: October 29, 2018, 2129 UTC »
Weak Spanish language heard, this is another logged rural radiotelephone and freebander or outbander frequency.  6755 kHz and 6755.5 kHz have both been logged in USB and LSB mode.  Right now its 6755 USB.  6.755 MHz for the hams out there :D 

Unfortunate frequency choice, however...given the user of 6754 kHz USB.

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