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Messages - Beerus Maximus

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I'm not sure if this is the same show that Sealord linked above (I don't have audio on this computer) but here's another mp3:


He's back in Nevada.

Yep. Also, this same gang, including "Deep Audio Guy" was up around 6960-6970ish over the winter and spring (I think 6970) pretty much all the time, like they are these days on 6925. I wonder why they moved down.

Agree. It seems that there is some sort of nightly"ragchew" fish net on 6925L. They get there early, and then leave late."

I am not certain these guys are actually on boats, at least not all of them. At least a couple of them, like "Deep Audio Guy", I think are land based. The signal strength is much stronger and more consistent with him than the guys who might be on boats. My theory is these guys are out of the Azores. I can't speak Portuguese, but I am pretty sure it is. "Deep Audio Guy" sounds kind of like one of the hi-fi SSBers on ham radio. You can sometimes tell that they are discussing radio stuff by picking out various words like brand names associated with ham gear.

General Radio Discussion / Re: Poll: Favorite albums
« on: July 29, 2013, 1537 UTC »
Various albums I've been hooked on over the years. You can see my tastes are all over the map...

1. My Bloody Valentine - Loveless
2. Yo La Tengo - Painful
3. Happy Mondays - Bummed
4. Dinosaur Jr. - Green Mind
5. Smashing Pumpkins - Gish
6. XTC - English Settlement
7. Underworld - Second Toughest in the Infants
8. Midnight Oil - Scream in Blue (live album, they're really good live but not my favorite studio band)
9. Kruder & Dorfmeister - The K&D Sessions
10. KLF - The White Room


Banging into the Boston burbs with a signal peaking at +20. Very clear, frequent IDs. The robots are circling the planet and are also on the surface, amongst us. voiceoftherobots@gmail.com

Other / 6560 KHz USB Korean QSO 7/29/2013 0044 UTC+
« on: July 29, 2013, 0046 UTC »
Have a couple of (presumed, but pretty sure) Koreans in QSO on 6560 KHz USB at 0044 UTC. Signals are about S5. Not sure how many guys are on this little net; if it's just 2 or there might be a couple of more.

A suggestion, from the offices of Beerus Maximus, to pirate operators.

Please consider, where possible and if you are frequency agile, choosing another frequency near 6925. A nightly "peskie" net has taken up residence on 6925 LSB and absolutely destroys modest pirate signals on this frequency. The peskies are probably more of a problem for us up here in the northeast but considering the density of listeners here, it would be really nice if you move up or down a bit so we can hear you. Moving frequencies isn't such a big problem these days; with so many listeners using SDR radios to watch a huge chunk of spectrum around 6925 you'll be found in no time.

There's actually not a WHOLE lot of P-25 up here in the Boston area. By and large most incidents can be monitored in free and clear analog.

Very weak carrier noted at 6924.2 at 0023 UTC. Not sure if this is what you are hearing. It's too weak and the ever-present LSB peskienet is up and running.

« on: July 28, 2013, 2020 UTC »
Please stop posting new posts announcing your broadcasts in this forum. It dilutes the quality of the topics. You may have one thread going that you update when you go on the air. I have merged all of your previous posts into this one thread.

MW Loggings / Re: Radio Torrente de Vida 1690 KHz (Boston area)
« on: July 28, 2013, 1820 UTC »
Approaching yet another year later and this operation is still active. Noted at 1819 UTC on 7/28/2013. They have cleaned up their audio, somewhat.

Other / Ditter network active 7/28/2013.
« on: July 28, 2013, 1635 UTC »
Centered on approximately 17475 KHz, but audible best in USB at 17474 KHz or in LSB at 17476 is a pronounced "beep" at about 5 second intervals (edit: noted by Token to be actually 6 seconds). Noted at 1635 UTC on 7/28/2013, tipped via #wunclub on IRC, confirmed by Token to be one of the ditters. It's S7 with minor fading here.

Other frequencies active right now (these are the center freqs but I tune -1 KHz in USB):

17650 (much weaker than 17475)
17950 (much weaker than 17475)
17975 (equal to 17475)
18050 (equal to 17475)
18450 (very variable signal strength)

Other known possibly freqs are listed here:


Update: transmissions on all the frequencies I noted have ceased at 1650 UTC.

I have this one (presumed) on 7/28/2013 at 1622 UTC. OM in Arabic speaking, sounds like a news read or narration of some kind. Signal is S5 on my 40m dipole.

Equipment / Re: A Gallery of Small Tuned Loops
« on: July 28, 2013, 1423 UTC »
This is an awesome post and your loops look amazing. I'd really be interested in plans/schematics if you are ever inclined.

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