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Messages - Skipmuck

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0000 UTC La Marseilles :)
0002 UTC OM with "You are listening to Radio Casablanca, the Voice of Free French Morocco...reception reports to radiocasablanca1@gmail.com
0003 UTC "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B"
0010 UTC "Blue Sky"
0015 OM with ID, into a clip from the movie "Casablanca"
(Enjoying the show on this cool Spring evening Mr. Blaine...thanks!)
0029 UTC OM with ID
(It's easy to slip into a bit of reverie here, imagining myself sitting at the big wooden table model radio with a good cigar and a bottle of Four Roses on the nightstand 8))
0038 UTC "Sentimental Journey"
0040 UTC OM with ID and short clip from Casablanca
0048 UTC "Cheek to Cheek"-(Is that Fred Astaire singing?)
(Signal is starting to fade just a bit around 0120 UTC, but still well above the noise :))
0124 UTC "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes"
0139 UTC OFF

Thank you very much Richard Blaine! That made my day 8)

Here also at 2351 UTC with metal tune at S5/S6

Dance tune at S9+ here with superb audio at 2343 UTC, into an ethereal instrumental composition I've heard before...maybe Silversun Pickups?
2358 UTC Different tune or maybe same song....has a bit of thump thump dance beat to it :)
0011 UTC Still playing what seems to be the same long esoteric instrumental

Steady S5/S6 here at 0003 UTC with UNID song ending at 0004, pause, then another UNID altrock tune with man singer at 0005 UTC, "XLR8" ID by OM at 0009 UTC spoken soft and slow :) Nice to hear you this evening XLR8! Usual excellent USB audio

Are you taking requests tonight? How about "Cross Cut Saw" by the Groundhogs?
0031 UTC "Cross Cut Saw"-Groundhogs ;D Thanks XLR8!!! Haven't heard this in a long time!
0045 UTC Interesting version of "Purple Haze"!
0048 UTC "Accelerate" ID then seemingly off, but back up again at 0051 UTC for a few more minutes.

Thanks for the tunes and the request this evening! :)

Thanks for the update Andy! I listened again to the ID by the synthesized voice YL at 0015 UTC and she gives the addresses for the Blue Ridge Summit and the BELFAST, NY maildrop! My mistake  8)

I listened back on my recording from last night, and at 0015 UTC there was a clear ID by a YL that mentions both the Blue Ridge Summit-PA and Wellsville*-NY maildrop address. I suspect this is a rebroadcast of an old recording?

EDIT:*Belfast :)

Fair to Good signal here amidst moderate band noise with flute? music at 0008 UTC, then YL talkover at 0010 UTC ???
Signal picked up nicely at 0013 UTC with some kind of spoken word skit, then clear ID at 0015 UTC. Frequency on the NRD-515 is 6948.3ish
0030 UTC Man announcer with ID "WREC" "Radio Free East Coast", into a strange song named "Psycho Chicken" per Chris Smol in IRC chat
0037 UTC Synth voiced YL with ID..."WREC"
0044 UTC YL with ID, into a C&W/folk tune with harmonica and man singer
Hard to tell with the noise, but OFF around 0057 UTC? Carrier gone for sure at 0058 UTC

Thanks for the unusual show tonight WREC! Wish there wasn't so much noise on the bands this evening...I'll have to listen back on the recording 8)

QSLs Received / Radio Casablanca eQSL
« on: April 12, 2015, 1930 UTC »
Thank you very much for the late Christmas present Mr. Richard Blaine! Those are the best presents of all :) Hope to hear Radio Casablanca again soon!

It's 1040 UTC and not even a carrier here. Still on the first cup of coffee and outside it's shaping up to be a real Spring day with sunshine and blue skies. While waiting for the band to open up here, Skipmuck is going to nuke yesterdays leftover biscuits and maybe apply a good coating of peanut butter 8)
There is an UNID carrier on 6955.8 KHZ, but no audio ???
1105 UTC and all is still quiet here...OC on 6955.8 is gone, but OTR on 6770 is S3 with an unidentified program and organ bridge music...nothing to make me want to pick up my feet and boogie. Now that I think about it, they don't make organ bridges like they used to ;D

1145 UTC and no joy in the Valley of Poor Brook USA :(
1200+ UTC and it appears that someone else is getting all the signal...time to head out to the backyard and get some work done...thanks BBR! Maybe next time the prop will be more conducive.... :)

So, lets cut to the quick here....Mr. O'Reilly wants to privatize what would normally be the function of the FCC in regards to ferreting out this abominable ( ;)) practice of illicit broadcasting. But the ability to do this will be in the hands of the broadcasters, the NAB, and their lawyers. The public will not have a say in the matter. All I can say is that money talks and bullshit walks.

One more thing...Dictionary.com defines "scourge" as: a whip or lash, especially for the infliction of punishment or torture. 2. a person or thing that applies or administers punishment or severe criticism. 3. a cause of affliction or calamity: Really O'Rielly? So the poor suffering folks at Clear Channel, having undergone such devastating trauma will seek damages in the courts and get to administer the 50 lashes....so the NAB becomes the scourge...by definition of course...

Thanks ROR! It was a fitting tribute to a horrible tragedy...you said it best in your email :'(


Thanks for your reception report.  All of us here at Rave On Radio hope that you found our memorial show to the tragedy that occurred on February 20, 2003 in West Warwick, RI at the Station Nightclub a somber and appropriate one.  We felt the need to put this show together to never let people forget what happened that night - and we knew that we were walking a fine line.  But based on feedback that we have received, it looks like we did ok.  Here’s what we played:

Across the Universe (The Beatles)

Help Me Make it Thru the Night (Joe Walsh)

Pressing On (Bob Dylan)

Give Me Strength (Neil Young)

I’ll Remember You (Bob Dylan)

Keep Me In Your Heart (Warren Zevon – RIP)

Dry Your Eyes (Neil Diamond w/ The Band)

Nothing Is Perfect (Neil Young)

Bottom of the World (Tom Waits)

Town with No Cheer (Tom Waits)

Throw Your Hatred Down (Neil Young w/ Pearl Jam)

Ring Them Bells (Bob Dylan)

Tears of Rage (Bob Dylan w/ The Band)

Tom Traubert’s Blues (Tom Waits)

Thanks again for listening & we hope that you hear us again soon,

Everyone at Rave On Radio

Tuned in at 0207 UTC to some trance music with S6 signal here into Western MA, well above the static crashes. 0210 UTC "XLR8" ID, into reggae tune and some esoteric tunage...0021 UTC with what sounds like some African highlife music! Sounding good tonight XLR8!

Just above threshold here at 0043 UTC with lots of static and UNID tune.

Music fading in and out here amidst atmospherics with strong peaks and deep fades.
2253 UTC "Ain't No Mountain High Enough"-Diana Ross
Playing pop tunes, with signal settling down to S3 peaks at 2315 UTC
(Thank you to the ghostly presence who very kindly filled in the missing ID in the header :))

Numerous Abu Dhabi ID's this evening by the sheik in the last 10 minutes before close down at 0034 UTC. In addition to the usual English, there was an Aqui or two in there :)

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