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Messages - Skipmuck

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Fair signal here just above the noise at 1421 UTC tune in with "Don't You Forget About Me"-Simple Minds already in progress
1423 UTC Sounded like a C&W tune man singer, then off abrupt at 1424 UTC

(Can't remember the last time there were 2 shows going at the same time on a Saturday morning! Thanks whoever!)

Fair to good signal mostly above the noise here with Z talking at 1415 UTC and clear ID, into music-lady singer at 1416 UTC
1424 UTC A rather off key version of a familiar song :)
1427 UTC Z with mention of a tribute to "punk singers who have passed away" Next song by Poly Styrene singer (Marianne Joan Elliott-Said) who died of breast cancer at age 53
1433 UTC Z talking about not having been on for 4 months (so this is a rebroadcast), and about Andy Walker's programs (sent out about 35 QSL's), and how much Andy appreciates the response! Also mentioned the names of some listeners who sent in reports to the mail drop address.
1455 UTC UNID punk tune man singer
1500 OFF after Channel Z jingle..."last channel you'll ever need"

Thanks for the tribute show to influential punk singers who have passed away! I was only marginally into punk music over the years, but it made a lot of folks happy! Kudos to Channel Z for the remembrance :)

EDIT:Had to look up the artist who did "People Who Died"...It was the Jim Carroll band. Jim Carroll died in 2009 at the age of 60

Just above the noise here at 2354 UTC tune in with man announcer with ID and mention of those who "lost their lives". Really tough copy here with a loud peskie on LSB, but I am hearing Neil Young's voice at 0001 UTC...an unreleased track called "Give Me Strength" played during his 1976 tour
0019 UTC "Nothing Is Perfect"-Neil Young"
0034 UTC I'm hearing more Neil Young now....Throw Your Hatred Down with Pearl Jam from Mirror Ball
0037 UTC ROR op with mentions of reception reports to raveonradio@gmail.com and then shoutouts to all the posters here (Thanks ROR!), then mention of this being a memorial show for the Station Night Club Fire. (This is the anniversary of this tragic event that happened in West Warwick, Rhode Island)
0053 UTC ROR op..."Station Night Club Fire Memorial Show" and OFF

Thanks for the show tonight ROR! To think that these 100 people, who were out for a night of good music and a good time would suffer such a horrible death is enough to make any grown person cry. Thanks for the remembrance of this tragic event :'(

FEBRUARY 20, 2003

« on: February 17, 2015, 2246 UTC »
Thank you very much for this treasure that found it's way into my real world mailbox today Radio Appalachia!!! Thank you very much indeed ;D


Tuned in at 0030 UTC to some ethereal tunage at a nice steady S7 signal with just a hint of noise.
0110 UTC Still going strong here XLR8...thanks for the usual eclectic mix of tunes that I've never heard before!  :)

Can't quite place that superb live version of Light My Fire...thought it might have been Philadelphia 1970, but maybe Detroit 1970? Thanks for that one XLR8  :) :) :)

0004 UTC tune in...S9 signal here with some kind of speech mentioning FDR...
0007 UTC Man announcer with email address as presidentsdayradio@gmail.com
into a song about Presidents by man singer
0010 UTC Man announcer with ID as Presidents Day Radio and email address, into a speech by a presumed former President
0014 UTC ID, then "Presidents Day" repeated, into a patriotic song
0017 UTC Speech by southern accented man...Jimmy Carter?
0020 UTC Man announcer repeating "Presidents Day", then a rock song with the lyrics being the names of the Presidents!!!
0022 UTC Man announcer with "Presidents Day Radio...2015... presidentsdayradio@gmail.com then a short bit of Patriotic music and OFF at 0023 UTC

Now that was different!!! Thanks Presidents Day Radio! :)

QSLs Received / Dr. Tim New Years Program eQSL
« on: February 16, 2015, 1200 UTC »
Very happy to find this in my inbox this brutally cold winter morning! Thanks Dr. Tim! Awesome graphics on this one :)

Skip,  Agree!  As I listened last night and watched on the scope clearly these are two different stations. I started a new thread with the UNID and somehow it was merged into this Apres Wolverine thread.  

MrMomB...There seemed to be a lot of confusion as Wolverine has been known to come back on after the end of his programs and play a request made in the postings. I was uncertain about it and I did notice the two separate threads! I think it was a good idea to call this "Apres Wolverine"...Apres=After in French! It is still basically UNID! So the merging of the 2 threads was a good idea. In the half hour after the Wolverine closedown, I thought it might have been 2 different broadcasters, but the first two SSTV and the one at the latter part of the program are all Robot24 SSTV, so I think it was all the same broadcast...not Wolverine though! Pirate ops are always doing cool things like messing with the listeners....it's what makes pirate radio the enjoyable hobby that makes us keep coming back for more! We're gullible, easily misled, and pliant in the face of adversity in our pursuit of the QSL's.  ;D

ChrisSmol...Did you get a clearer pic of the second SSTV than JFarleys? And in the 3rd SSTV...is that a rabbit, a squirrel, or a chihuahua ???

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: WEAK Radio 6925 USB 00:34 UTC
« on: February 16, 2015, 0121 UTC »
Been listening and recording to listen back tomorrow since just after WMID signed off. Steady S6/S7 here and sounding pretty good through the stereo system. Just finished playing "Ride Captain Ride"-Blues Image

S6 here with great audio and almost no noise tonight on 6925.6 KHZ. UNID cover of "Feeling Alright"
2329 UTC "WMID John T Arthurs 2nd favorite radio station"
2332 UTC "Shotgun"-Jr. Walker & All-Stars
2338 UTC "Little Green Bag"-George Baker Selection
2344 UTC "Where Have All the Good Times Gone"-Kinks
0030 UTC OFF

Thanks for the show tonight WMID! :)

S8 here with great audio at 2227 UTC with end of B-52's tune, into UNID tune at 2228 UTC. 6950.6ish AM
2232 UTC Well said Z! Let's say goodbye to winter and welcome to summer indeed!
2233 UTC "Palisades Park"-Freddy "Boom Boom" Cannon
2237 UTC "California Sun"-Ramones version
2239 UTC Channel Z jingle, then "Time of the Season"-Zombies
Been shoveling snow all afternoon, so I think I'll just kick back and enjoy the music this time :) Thanks for the 60's tunes Z! My era.....
2318 UTC After a short silence, came back up with Channel Z and Andy Walker with "Before They Were Famous-Part 5" :)

I listened back on my recording and have the following observations. The backwards version of "They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha Ha" came on about 45 seconds after Wolverine's SSTV ended at 0130 UTC . The signal strength was much lower but still a nice S5/S6 here with clear audio. The first SSTV came on at 0133 UTC and after running JFarley's kind posting through the PAINT app and swapping some colors, appears to read..."TRUTH IS TRUTH even if no one believes it...LIES IS LIES even if everyone believes it". The forward version of the aforementioned tune came on about a minute and 15 seconds after the end of the 1st SSTV. The 2nd SSTV came on at 0137 UTC and I have absolutely no idea what it is ??? This 2nd SSTV ended 30 seconds after it started. Then there was silence until about 0143ish UTC when a parody version of the Beach Boys Kokomo came on at a similar signal strength. (This parody is "The Camel Toe Song" by Tom Griswold and Bob Kevoian I believe)
0147 UTC Lots of WOO-OOO-OOO which sounded like a fake SSTV :), with a break at 0147 UTC with a man saying something like "Pirate ID...P-I-R-A-T-E", then back to fake SSTV
0148 UTC "Have You Seen Her"-Chi-Lites
0150 UTC "LA Woman"-Doors (The song was cut off abruptly at 0152 UTC and a different song came on that I do not recognize-man singer)
0154 UTC A short SSTV came on, then after a minute of some kind of electronica music, "White Rabbit"-Jefferson Airplane at 0156 UTC. I get nothing after 0159ish UTC.

Thanks for the request and the broadcast whoever you were :D
(Any chance of a QSL? :))

Good morning DJ LT! Missed the sign on....caught ya at 1246 UTC with some of that uplifting morning music! Still on the first coffee of the day...I'm eyeing that unopened box of Captain Crunch at the moment!
Nice S8 signal here....didn't get much snow last night...just enough to be annoying. No hurry on the shoveling though :)
1335 UTC and signal is still great here! Settled for a toasted plain bagel with real butter and scrambled eggs with Spam ;D
We got maybe 3 or so inches of snow last night but it started up again about half an hour ago...no end in sight for this winter season :(
1427 UTC Getting some signal drop outs now... still good copy here but down to S4/S5 peaks
1435 UTC Signal is going, going...just above the noise now
1438 UTC Back up a bit :)
1443 UTC gave email address and mentioned to include postal address as they send out hard copy QSL's, then the signature clip...."Why do you do this to your father and I? The FCC's gonna come down here then we're gonna lose the GD house" and OFF
Thanks for the Sunday morning broadcast BBR! Now that it's over, it's time to head out and start shoveling snow..... ;)

Huh? / Re: He was aware of 9/11 approaching but did nothing
« on: February 15, 2015, 1240 UTC »
I'd like to thank all you nice people out there who managed to save their copy of that song and play it for me last night! It brought back some truly great memories of those days of mad abandon when you didn't have to lock your doors and there was always plenty of Mallo Cups to satisfy the sweet tooth of a carefree 11 year old. You guys are really great :)

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: KCPR 6950 USB 2014Feb16 0242UTC
« on: February 15, 2015, 0256 UTC »
Nice steady signal here at 0240 UTC tune in with "Beast of Burden", allegedly a cover version by Big Head Todd & the Monsters, into UNID tune
0245 UTC ID by man announcer...KCPR repeated twice I think..have to listen back on the recording, followed by one of my favorite songs of all time..."They're Coming To Take Me Away" played backwards....Napolean XIV...a truly underated artist ;D
0313 UTC "Dancing In the Moonlight"-(King Harvest per google search...forgot that one and it's from my good days back in the early 70's!)
0317 UTC "Don't You Forget About Me"-Simple Minds

Thanks for the show KCPR! Nice reception here, maybe the best I've heard you yet. :)

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