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Messages - KaySeeks

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So this would not look at, for example, the Okinawan diet, which certainly consumes quite a bit of fish protein but also rice as a source of carbohydrate.

RE Okinawa and the "blue zones, it seems to be more wishful thinking / fantasy vs reality:


Supercentenarians and the oldest-old are concentrated into regions with no birth certificates and short lifespans

The observation of individuals attaining remarkable ages, and their concentration into geographic sub-regions or ‘blue zones’, has generated considerable scientific interest. Proposed drivers of remarkable longevity include high vegetable intake, strong social connections, and genetic markers. Here, we reveal new predictors of remarkable longevity and ‘supercentenarian’ status. In the United States, supercentenarian status is predicted by the absence of vital registration. The state-specific introduction of birth certificates is associated with a 69-82% fall in the number of supercentenarian records. In Italy, which has more uniform vital registration, remarkable longevity is instead predicted by low per capita incomes and a short life expectancy. Finally, the designated ‘blue zones’ of Sardinia, Okinawa, and Ikaria corresponded to regions with low incomes, low literacy, high crime rate and short life expectancy relative to their national average. As such, relative poverty and short lifespan constitute unexpected predictors of centenarian and supercentenarian status, and support a primary role of fraud and error in generating remarkable human age records.

This is pre-print, so it is unclear (at least to me) whether this conclusion has been peer-reviewed. Let's see if it survives the peer-review process.

Also, longevity and risks of various diseases have some overlap, obviously, but if we take the allegedly-fraudulent people out of the equation, what are the remaining observations of the general population of the blue zones?


CONCLUSION: Dietary fiber intake can obviously increase stool frequency in patients with constipation. It does not obviously improve stool consistency, treatment success, laxative use and painful defecation.

CONCLUSION: Idiopathic constipation and its associated symptoms can be effectively reduced by stopping or even lowering the intake of dietary fiber.

I can speak from my personal experience that reducing / nearly eliminating fiber intake also eliminated frequent constipation.  It's entirely possible of course that different people behave differently and some subsegment of the population benefits. But clearly fiber is not a requirement for everyone to prevent constipation.

I'm glad that you figured out what helps you.

Everyone has a different level of "necessary". Not everyone suffers from idiopathic constipation too. If that were the case then there would not be the broad guidelines based upon quantities of human studies and the anecdotal evidence, that in general, fiber is, to some degree or another, useful for most people.

I may have posted some links here previously. As with most things regarding nutrition... it's complicated  :)

I was unable to find any of your links on here so if you wish to share a link, please do.

Those of us that are older need the help of fiber for proper "waste removal". ;) Anecdotally, I can tell you that for me, nothing comes close to the effects of dietary fibre in this regard.  :)

Also, correlation of low fibre intake with incidence of intestinal cancer has been established.



Link is dead. Do you have the title? If so, we might be able to find it that way.

an epidemiological comparison of 42 European countries

So this would not look at, for example, the Okinawan diet, which certainly consumes quite a bit of fish protein but also rice as a source of carbohydrate.

My big problem with this video is right here: https://youtu.be/MxW-JKLeu1k?t=258

No one that I am paying attention to is telling anyone to consume more processed plant foods. In fact, the opposite. These things were pushed in the past as cheap substitutes for real food but people have wised up.  Less processing is much more prevalent now. So because the corn industry pushed to have corn syrup put in everything decades ago and to then make the leap that therefore all plant-based food is weak is out of touch with current reality.

In regaling us with bioavailability info, the presenter neglected things like fiber. Good luck finding a meat that has a better fiber content than a plant-based food.

What changed in the 1970s? The misguided attempt to reduce heart disease by telling people to cut their fat intake and eat more carbohydrates (and therefore sugar, both directly and in the form of carbs that your body converts into sugar). The same photos and films will show one of the major causes of the increase in heart disease back then - smoking. We've fortunately reduced smoking rates, but unfortunately replaced it with high sugar intake, which also leads to heart disease.

You're not wrong about the old photos, the lower BMIs, and smoking.

I would suggest, however, to not neglect the effects of a much more passive lifestyle, the fewer and fewer % of the population involved in labour-intensive industries like agriculture as the late 19th century moved into the early half of the century. In North America anyway, significantly larger food portion sizes that have become the norm and significantly more time is spent in motor vehicles on a daily basis as well.

I noted him a few minutes ago and went on to other things but now I am back. SINPO 34333 on an SDR in Denmark.

I recognize the announcer's voice and little chuckle as the same announcer as The Ghoul, I think. WRONG!

1659 - ID and email address. Radio Pandora
1705 - Replay of US NPR interview of Johnny Walker on the death of the founder of Radio Caroline. Audio interruption for about a minute in the middle.
1712 - Tracy Chapman

As is frequently the case lately, there is another carrier at roughly the same signal strength a few Hertz from Radio Merlin's carrier frequency. The resulting beat frequency note makes the listening not very pleasurable.


"Le beau Danube bleu" sous des tonnes de pollution jaunâtre !

The signal seems clearer on the upper sideband, at least for me.

ID and email address at 1942 UTC, into The Blue Danube waltz. I have them on 6960.92 KHz.

I left the room and then came back at 2004 to see the signal disappear from the waterfall. TX off.

Hard to tell if Radio 208 is recovering from modulation anaemia, from weak propagation, or from Covid 19.

Listening on an SDR in Norway. SINPO 44343 at 1930 UTC. Their modulation may be a bit weak but I'm not sure. Perhaps they need an injection of iron to get them on their feet again.  :)
ID at 1932 UTC.
2011 - Iggy Pop, Lust for Life.

1843 a few notes of "Star spangled banner" are not enough to make the Stanag stand by upright!

Because the STANAG doesn't come from the U.S. Army.  :)

Promo announcement that Ray refers to, starting with the Star-Spangled Banner, was to apologize to other users of the frequency ('the army"), saying that Mystery 21 will return the frequency "fresh and clean" when they are done with it.  ;D

Property is theft, nobody "owns" any frequency, the airwaves are there for all to use. Lol

That's why I used quotation marks.  :D ;)

I'm noting digital interference under their signal now on an SDR in Norway, but not so much on an SDR in Austria. I wonder if this is jamming or just the "rightful owner" using the frequency.

UPDATE: interference stopped at 1837 UTC.

But now it's back at 1845.

TX off the air at 1757 UTC.

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